Moderna: George Soros, Bill Gates and Fauci! Revealing!
Mike Fulmer - 1,307 Views
Published on 02 Sep 2020 / In People and Blogs
Bill Gates and George Soros and Fauci! Revealing! OMG! IG Farben Became Moderna! Share Widely! IMPORTANT! Globalist NWO Facebook discredited and banned it! What does that tell you! Facebook discrediting it is a POWER CONFIRMATION. All true references referred to here have been scrubbed and false references made to appear legitimate on Soros-owned Google!
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Winslow P Flydip
5 years ago
Fauci graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1966 and could not have been roommates with tech giant Gates, who was studying at Harvard in the mid-1970s, as reported by The USA Express.
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