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Mike Walsh on Adolf Hitler, June 20, 2023

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Published on 22 Jun 2023 / In News and Politics

Mike does some great work on related topics.
More on Mike Walsh

Mike Walsh is a veteran journalist, broadcaster and historian. A fugitive from renegade Europeans, leftists, palace journalists, he has shrugged off their wrath over 50 years of writing. His Irish-American father, Patrick had fought in four conflicts by the time he reached 40-years of age: The Irish peoples guerrilla war against the British Army's Black and Tans. These armed irregulars, dredged from England's prisons, were notorious for their viciousness. The Irish War of Independence and on to fight in the most ferocious hand-to-hand battles during the Spanish Civil War. Whilst on the frontlines he was a close associate of American war correspondent, Ernest Hemingway. Mike's father formed an enduring friendship with Ireland's celebrated playwright, Sean O'Casey. Eventually his father served in the Royal Air Force during World War Two as an aircraft fitter / flier. Kathleen, Mike's well-educated mother also mentored his writing skills. A former novice nun she was a corresponding friend of Spain's Civil War revolutionary La Pasionaria. From the age of 26 the world-travelling Mike was consumed by a passion for truth and justice. Inevitably, this led him to the potpourri of lies, infamies, cover-ups and crimes committed by the Allies that militarily defeated the Workers Reich. By doing so they ensured the spread of Bolshevism, denial of freedom to nearly a score of Central European nations, the dismembering of the British Empire, and surrender to American imperialism. The Allied victory ensured that Bolshevism would fester for a further 45 years; this they call victory. Through the base stupidity and race treachery the armed forces of the victors' empires destroyed the one revolution that alone could have ensured the preservation of European culture and values. Today, their dance of victory is the dance of death on their own funeral pyres.

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