Microscopic GRAPHENE ROBOTS. BLOOD CELL sized robots from Cornell University "2018"
Well this is interesting, today we will look at Microscopic GRAPHENE ROBOTS. These BLOOD CELL sized robots from Cornell University are the next step in microscopic machines. This is one of the newest graphene uses in graphene history. I have seen this called the graphene age and it seems my fellow youtuber Neoscribe got that right. We are seeing an explosion of graphene applications. Things like graphene batteries from Samsung, bulletproof graphene called diamene and even a strainer to remove salt from sea water. Now we have these biomorph robots that can change shape depending on stimuli. This molecular machine development has given us nano scale robots. These graphene robot are the next step in bioscience and will allow us to explore the human body as never before. These graphene based robots can become the microscopic robots human body enhancements we need. The could deliver nanoscale sensors as micro robots in medicine that can repair damage. Micro robots in blood could allow for tailored treatments of disease. These graphene robots are just a glimpse into the future
that involves awesome micro robots we have to look forward to.
Sources: https://goo.gl/BkjS6k
Here on ZakDTV I like tho bring the most interesting science news every Monday-Wednesday and Friday. This is the science that will change our lives forever. We will look at futuristic transportation technologies like the HyperLoop, Virgin Galactic, Tesla Motors and anything that hints at the ability to be a teleporter.
I will also bring you advances in robotics from places like Boston Dynamic, iRobot, Hansen Robotics, Darpa and many more. We will see service robots being integrated into our daily lives and we will watch together as that happens.
Of course the future will bring forward amazing cures and advances in gene therapy using tools like crispr/cas9. These genetic modifications will lead to a longer life and possibly even human immortality. That would truly be amazing.
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hmmm ..curiously has zero shame in exposing himself as 'frazzledrip' fan or orchestrator..

It's bad. Like when they put it in a shot?? Yeah...a bad bad thing.