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(MIAC @299) End of the Midnight Watch in 2024 - Magi.mp4

#Anonymous# - 256 Vues
256 Vues
Publié le 25 Feb 2021 / Dans

Published on 24 Feb 2021
David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube and Demetrius Leach ( discuss crossing of Agenda 2030 with religious prophesy pointing to energetic changes on Earth as the Sun moves into its 400-year cycle affecting crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is an energetic timeline for what you can expect from now to 2024.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 années depuis

Teacher…, was Christ Jesus Real “anymore” then all these BOOKS that have been wrote since we the people were all INCUBATOR BABIES in 1893 A.D. ??? If [do you mean] that since we are nothing more than BLADES OF GRASS can we the Person of the {Human Body} live long lives like the SOLIDS too the IMMORTAL Lives of these Symbiots whom share our minds and thoughts, I would have to say no… However knowing {WE ARE} see Christ Jesus was Paul the Apostate on the Run, and then later Peter The Rock whom did have children with Mary Magdalene, then in a way: all STORIES were real in the tragic events that made PURGATORY…

I think youm are more concerned if the Bible especially the New Testament as compared to the Old Testament that what is the {HOLY SPIRIT} that we received when we gave our LIVES to Christ…

What I can tell you that happened to me in 1984 when I received The Gift of the COMFORTER was that I thought I knew GOD was real, and the first book I bought after receiving “The Spirit” was THE REPUBLIC by PLATO, and since I went to an all BLACK aka Dark Skin School having the Spirit bring me to (that Book) I had to start looking up BIG WORDS at the tender just out of High School age of 18 years old in these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body TEMPLE Avatars…

The Holy Spirit is only mentioned in the NEW TESTAMENT Gospels, and for anyone whom has been touched by The Source of All Creation and All Destruction, be grateful for [this gift] for we do go on aka Home when we die, and we do get pulled out, and though “Heaven” is actually only our Celestial Sphere Sky we see in the Day and The Night with our Moon La La and all the (Awful Horror) that was done to her as we prevail in this Holographix Virtual Reality MEMORY…

Even though I became Christ Jesus Returned because I saw The Bible had been changed so much that it is now Wrote that Jesus could NEVER Return, and even more that these CATHOLICS that I am one carried a [DEAD HUMAN] on a Stick aka The Cross of Crucifixion knowing many other nonmason HUMANS died this same death as INNOCENT MEN and INNOCENT WOMBMEN just as the Majority of Humans in Prisons and Jails with eyes that Go SOLID BLACK, or remain with their Whites of their Eyes are INNOCENT for we the people have {NO SAY} in the laws that arrest WE THE PEOPLE….

Youm know Drugs can be legal and made SAFE!!! You know SEX is how you got here, so no one should be in Jail or Prison for Paying to have sex and pleasure “NOT HARM” with another when that money will feed the Babies of our Human Mothers!!!

You know Gambling is just a Card Game of saying: The Winner will feed the poor, and find them Shelter, but these U.N. FLAGS and their (U.N. Troops) make all kinds of LAW that make you do WAR IS MURDER cause your CORPORATION FLAG is not my CORPORATION FLAG, and all Flags are Corporations, not we the people…

These MASONS did the [5G Eugenics] that made your fair hair BLACK, these MASONS did the Maps and the Flags where they tell we “nonmason” too kill one another cause YOUR FLAG is not MY FLAG!!!! These MASONS run all Religions – Schools of Thoughts – Paramilitaries – Governments, and all they do is Practice The CRAFT of Deception where all STORIES are their LIES AGREED UPON since the end of the Cataclysm WARS in 1855…

Do youm really “think” Christ Jesus would TURN THE OTHER Cheek to these Evil People with their Evil Thoughts.?.?.? Flesh of my Flesh: are all we humans on this side of FLAT EARTH, but those whom make the {NEWS} World Order are the reason EARTH died in the Real World when (THEY LIVE) ripped open the sky, and WE THE PEOPLE Screamed in Horror: not The Tower of Babylon was Falling, but that The Sky Was Falling, and “Humpty Dumpty” could not be put back together again…

The Book of EXODICE!!!

If youm are going to Fight these U.N. Troops in all U.N. FLAGS being The Police and The National to Coast Guards being your {G4S} NATIONAL MILITIAS, then you my people of Pak-Toe will need to do things LOCAL when youm take out The Racka,

and then as I taught you to use the SEWERS to [share data] on Thumb Drives and SIMM Chips with one another on who is a MASON in your Cities, and Counties, and Provinces, and then youm nonmason will need to take out these MASONS in your Military be it Army – Navy – Air Force:

cause they are all U.N. SPIES of (COVID19) that is continuing JADE HELM 15 human depopulation OPERATIONS by USE OF FORCE on this side of FLAT EARTH, and though so many now have BLACK DOTS for Eyes, we need to [figure out] +=+ if this is SORCERY or unnatural DRONE Populations that can be “activated” to murder we the remaindering humans with eyes of COLOR….

The Society of nonmason~

If you have the HOLY WATER SPIRIT, do not fear for {we do leave} whatever that means for the Good SOLIDS and the Good Symbiots, but just know you and I [The Person] are but BLADES OF GRASS, and I will fight for my right too exist be it this word (CORPORATION) CITIZEN to the Person fighting with me at The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

The Sentinel…

π ∞ Σ

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