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Mercedes Diaz, is at the recall Grewsum signing rally, when a few leftist have an issue with it

true conservative minutes
Published on 08 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics

Mercedes Diaz, is at the recall Grewsum signing rally, when a few leftist have an issue with it

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

They are turning all WAL MARTS and such buildings in ALL U.N. FLAGS into FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS where Corporate Military CONTRACTORS will be The Prison Guards on such FACILITIES and “A Facility” is A Prison or JAIL too Facilitate your DUMB ASS into the Death Chambers too be used: in each U.N. FLAG by {G4S} U.N. Troops in all U.N. FLAGS too remove the (COVID19) aka HUMANS whom still have eye colour….

Temperature is a [Military Term] QBALLS~ /_\ for How “Angry” is the PERSON aka Visitor / Employee, and do you The (STAKE HOLDER) aka CEO of said FACILITY need to do {PPE compliance} of employees or visitor aka USE OF DEADLY FORCE to make that Person / Employee / Visitor COMPLIANT.?.?.?,

and if you are not going to kill the HUMAN with no BLACK DOTS in their eyes, then you need too ISOLATE THEM from others, take them to an INTERROGATION ROOM, and “deal” with the VIRUS outbreak aka TORTURE THEM PEOPLE in that local city – town – village by {USE OF FORCE} aka code word PPE….

You’m will want to read this as an [INSTRUCTION MANUAL] for Nazi Germany USA FLAG (SS Troops) in WORLD WAR TWO cause that is all G4S is…. FREE MASON Lodges are the JADE HELM 15 [strong holds] +=+ in all human towns in all human flags on this side of FLAT EARTH….

The Society of nonmason~


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