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Mark of the beast: Vatican's Sunday law will be enforced soon! (33)

Follower of Christ777
Follower of Christ777 - 308 Views
Published on 23 Nov 2023 / In Spiritual

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Credits to pastor Craig from the Seventh-Day Christians church. His websites are and

The Vatican, which is the first beast or nation of Revelation 13, and her Babylonian Roman Catholic church, which is the whore of Babylon in Revelation 17 & 18, will enforce its mark with the help of the United States, the second beast of Revelation 13.

There's NO climate emergency according to the following studies:

In September 2020, pope Francis said that the environment needs a rest, his SUNday rest:

The United States has the tools including HAARP and lasers to modify and control the weather so as to make the false gospel of climate change of the Vatican’s pope look real with the purpose of making the pope look like a champion or as someone who is speaking truth, when Revelation 13:2 says that the dragon or satan, who is the father of LIES, gives his power and authority to the Vatican beast.

So what is the purpose of the pope to promote his false gospel of climate change at COP28? The Vatican is using the evil instruments of climate change of the United States, HAARP and lasers, to make the pope’s gospel of climate change look real so that the world can unite under the pope’s leadership and make the world WORSHIP the pope (Revelation 13:8). How? When the pope will enforce his request for a SUNday law of rest and worship on SUNday, which is the pope’s ‘sabbath’.

The pope’s ‘sabbath’ is SUNday which goes CONTRARY to the biblical and commanded 7th day Sabbath of the Lord thy God in Exodus 20:8-11, the day on which Christ attended public weekly Sabbath worship services in Luke 4 as well as Christians in Acts 13:42, 44 when they gathered to listened to Paul preach on Sabbath day.

This is what the Vatican beast, the first beast of Revelation 13, says about its mark:

"Sunday is our MARK of authority [...] The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact". — Catholic Record of London, Ontario. Sept. 1, 1923.


Keep the 7th day Sabbath, which is the Creator's holy day or rest and public worship, as per the commandment (Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 58:13-14). The Sabbath is to be remembered and kept holy from Friday evening at sunset to Saturday evening at sunset. By observing the 7th day Sabbath as per the commandment, we honor, worship, recognize and obey Jesus Christ as the Creator.

For pastoral advice and guidance, pastor Craig can be reached at [email protected].

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Follower of Christ777
Follower of Christ777 8 months ago

According to Revelation 14:9, King James Bible, the mark of the beast will be IN the forehead, where the mind is, or IN the hand.

In Revelation 14:9; Revelation 16:2; Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:4, the mark of the beast is linked directly to worship.

What does the vaccine have anything to do with worship? Nothing.

You will worship the beast (Vatican papacy) by accepting its mark with your mind which is IN your forehead or you will be faithful and obedient to God and worship God in spirit and in truth and His holy ten commandments represent truth (Psalm 119:142, 151).

What does the vaccine or the RFID chip have anything to do with worship? Nothing.

In the Protestant churches, the focus is about buying and selling when it comes to the mark, so they assume that the RFID chip will be the mark. They focus ONLY on Revelation 13:17 and they stop there. They don't read Revelation 14:9; Revelation 16:2; Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:4 where the mark of the beast is linked directly to worship, the worship of the beast according to the King James Bible.

The beast or kingdom, since a beast represents a kingdom in Bible prophecy (Daniel 7:23), is the Vatican, which has a number (666, which points to the different titles of the pope), an image and a mark, hence, the mark of the beast.

The Vatican beast says the following about its mark:

"SUNday is our MARK of authority....the church is above the Bible and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" Source: Catholic Record, London, Ontario, Canada, September 1, 1923.

If you accept with your mind which is IN your forehead the Vatican beast's mark of SUNday WORSHIP, which goes contrary to the biblical 7th day Sabbath commandment of God, which Christ says, is made for man (Mark 2:27), you will be able to buy and sell...but for how long before the plagues of God fall on those who will have accepted the Vatican beast's mark (Revelation 16, King James Bible).

In the same way, those who took their poisonous vaccines showed their vaccine card or vaccine passports to security to enable them to enter the malls, restaurants or grocery stores to BUY and sell, those who will accept the mark of the Vatican beast of SUNday worship, will also be able to use some form of ID card or chip or "SUNday passport" to....BUY and sell.

What is going on with the vaccines and related health card or vaccine passport is simply a practice run or a test run for the Vatican, the first beast of Revelation 13:1-10, to gauge people’s reaction. Why? Because the same principle will be applicable with the mark of the beast.

The Vatican and its minions are conditioning the minds of the masses to accept the Vatican beast's mark of SUNday worship IN THE SAME WAY, the masses are conditioned to accept the poisonous vaccine. The vaccine is physical poison. The mark of the beast is spiritual poison. Both lead to death.

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