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Man Rants at McKenna - Trump is a Great President

Right Edition
Right Edition - 210 Views
Published on 27 Aug 2020 / In News and Politics

Police launch hate crime investigation after man yells obscenities at Catherine McKenna's office

The Ottawa police hate crimes unit is investigating after a man screamed obscenities outside Infrastructure and Communities Minister Catherine McKenna's constituency office last week.

A 90-second video, posted to social media over the weekend, shows a man approaching the door of the Ottawa Centre MP's Catherine Street office around 10:30 a.m. ET Thursday and ringing the bell. It appears the man recorded the video himself.

When a female employee opens the door the man asks to speak to McKenna, but she tells him the office isn't open to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The man then launches into a profane tirade, at one point calling McKenna a "c--t" before the woman shuts the door.

McKenna addressed the "unacceptable" incident outside that same constituency office Monday afternoon.

Sorry, College Kids, There’s No Such Thing As Hate Speech

Progressive college students seem to think violence is okay as long as it's silencing 'hate speech.' Someone should tell them there's no such thing.

For the sake of campus protestors and their professors across the country, it’s time to make something clear: there’s no such thing as hate speech.

Based on Her Words and Deeds, Kamala Harris Is a Socialist

One way to judge people is by what they say and what they do, as opposed to putting too much credence in either people’s words or deeds alone. After all, we are all flawed human beings, and sometimes our actions do not align with our stated beliefs. And vice-versa.

Yet, after assessing both her words and her actions, one can conclude that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is a socialist. This means a socialist could be a heartbeat away from sitting behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office. Yikes!

Kamala Harris Is Another America-Hating Progressive Socialist With Radical Connections

The Bigotry Of Kamala Harris: This Is What The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About One Of The Democrats Leading 2020 Presidential Candidates

Trump is the best President in American history! Here’s the proof.

Donald Trump is doing a great job.

Even sane Democrats admit his performance on the economy is very good. But how does he rate when compared to other great American presidents?

Other presidents like Reagan, Lincoln, Truman, and Teddy Roosevelt have excelled in several areas.

But in historical context only Trump has run the table in the areas most important to modern America.

Jon Voight attacks 'radical left,' hails Trump as 'the greatest president of this century'

"They have hate. It’s like a venom," Voight continued. "No words of God, no words of love, but a radical emotion of hate. I’ve said this many times and I’m saying it again, from the deep truths of my heart and soul: President Trump is a man of truths, love and justice for the American people and also for the people of a sacred place, Israel. Not only does he love our country, the United States of America, but he has a love for the people of all nations."

Trump Accomplishments List: President Provides Six-Page Document Detailing Successes of Administration

President Donald Trump provided Breitbart News during an exclusive Oval Office interview with a six-page document detailing several of his administration’s accomplishments.

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