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Malfeasance and COVID19, Professor Dolores Cahill.

Geronimos Stolen Bones
Geronimos Stolen Bones - 1,222 Views
Published on 22 Sep 2020 / In Film and Animation

Cahill addressed the crowd at Trafalgar Square and claimed that vaccines “have not been safely tested” and that the governments have “betrayed our trust”, theories which conflict with prevailing scientific opinion.

She also claimed that the “legal basis” to call COVID-19 a public health emergency “was not there” and claimed that no people had died of COVID-19 in Ireland between November 2019 and March 2020.

mal•fea•sance măl-fē′zəns
n. Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
n. Evil-doing; the doing of that which ought not to be done; wrongful conduct, especially official misconduct; violation of a public trust or obligation;
specifically, the doing of an act which is positively unlawful or wrongful, in contradistinction to misfeasance, or the doing of a lawful act in a wrongful manner.
The term is often inappropriately used instead of misfeasance.
n. The doing of an act which a person ought not to do; evil conduct; an illegal deed.
Professor Dolores Cahill addressed the crowd at Trafalgar Square Full =

Music by Crystal Beatz
Dark HorrorCore Rap Beat Instrumental - 87 BPM (Hip Hop Beat)

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