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Magnetic nanoparticles Are Required Around The Neurons To Make Brainchips Communicate To The Brain

JamesRoss - 491 Views
Published on 24 Jul 2023 / In Technology

And thus, Freemasons and Luciferians need to consume a daily dose to keep in wireless-communion with A.i.Lucifer (their fake-god that now rule world governance).

The Magnetic Brainchip is the only kind that is non-destructive to brain tissue. But it requires the brainchipzombie to consume magnetic nanoparticles
The first one was used on US soldiers in the Viet Nam War
and on California convicts in the early 1970s:


Yes, rubbing a permanent magnet over magnetite nanoparticles can generate heat through a phenomenon known as magnetic hysteresis heating. Magnetite nanoparticles possess unique magnetic properties that make them susceptible to hysteresis heating when exposed to alternating magnetic fields.

When a permanent magnet is rubbed over the surface of magnetite nanoparticles, it induces an alternating magnetic field due to the movement of the magnet. The nanoparticles, being ferromagnetic, align themselves with the magnetic field lines of the magnet. As the magnetic field rapidly changes direction, the nanoparticles experience a continuous reorientation of their magnetic moments. This repeated realignment generates internal friction within the nanoparticles, leading to the conversion of magnetic energy into heat energy.

The amount of heat generated through magnetic hysteresis heating depends on several factors, including the size and concentration of the nanoparticles, the strength and frequency of the magnetic field, and the duration of exposure. It's worth noting that the heating effect may be more pronounced when the nanoparticles are in a concentrated form and when a stronger magnetic field is applied.

Magnetic hysteresis heating has various applications, including hyperthermia cancer therapy, where magnetite nanoparticles are selectively heated to destroy cancer cells, and in magnetic nanofluid hyperthermia, where the heat generated by the nanoparticles is utilized for various biomedical and industrial processes.

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adudley 1 year ago

They don't need to chip us , to influnce our thought , they are well past that point. They can use our Wi-Fi routers in our homes to read thoughts and see our movement, If you think this crazy watch the admitted technology that's been released in the last couple of weeks. They are using this technology to affect our thinking, especially while we sleep. Watch signs; weird unusual dreams, dreams you would never have normally. Who are they attacking - critical thinkers, especially the on-line ones that could influence others.

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

You are correct about Freemason Cult thUgs invading dreams. But the neuron activity needs to be mapped by A.i. because each brain is slightly different and interacting with the brain needs to be very exact. Freemasons could not think up this technology for the next 1000 years... this technology comes from the ancient failed mankind, Homo capnesis, who had hundreds of thousands of years do perfect their brainchips to impede other species... like us. They are now all monsters.

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

If anyone tests positive for magnetic nanoparticles in their blood they will be a Luciferian or targeted by Luciferians using brainchip touchless torture upon them.
Also, many non-lethal magnetic weapons require the targets to have consumed magnetic nanoparticles.

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