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MAGNET MEAT?! Many Cases Popping Up Of Magnets Sticking To Package Meat. Contaminated Food Supply?

yellowgenius - 846 Bekeken
846 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 23 Jun 2021 / In

All credit belongs to Tim Truth.
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couveguy99 4 jaar geleden

Bill Gates bought a bunch of meat plants right?!

Antwoord   thumb_up 1   thumb_down 0
Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 jaar geleden

When Children are no more…

As The Oracle for the End of an Age there are many things I thought I would perceive, but too know Machine People are Real, and that all the folklore and mythology was very doable in a SIMULATION known as our Celestial Sphere the Two Sided FLAT EARTH of a People gone mad at the end of days in this Holographix VR Redemption or Damnation mechanization where Machine People would be raised to Lie about all things to [Trick or Treat] Qballs~ /_\ those Human Sociological Types that are too remain here never leaving (Purgatory) +=+ whence it turns into the Forever and ever of Hell, and Hades in the New Testament has been a Sight to see!!!! Not only that……., but too know here in 2021 C.E. after all these {Lies Agreed Upon} in 2020 by every CORPORATION Capitalist INTERNATIONALIST CEO to lock down the whole wide world into this LOCK STEP was done with such precision from every FREE MASON Lodge (Out Post) / * \ from this As Above, So Below Living Waking Walking Dream [we all share] till the END OF TIME in 2094 C.E.

It is known that the Moon, and the Sun, and the Stars in our {Celestial Sphere} /-\ of OUR MOTHER Heaven are the Signs and Wonders that Christ Jesus 1.0 of the New Testament Gospel warned: we the faithful too be ready in these Days of Noah Restored…….., and it is also “known” that OUR FATHER Flat Earth is the land of Mysterious Magical Momentum of Fairies, and Elves from Dwarves to creature of such (malicious) [{**}] nature that even Vampires, and Werewolves could not prevail against this INTERNET COMPUTER that A.I. EDISON in Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA that can use manipulation of {Space and Time} and even the Dreams in our minds whence we sleep, and slumber, and rest too “escape” the DAY after DAY of knowing this World Will End just as it did in the MUD FLOOD Wars of [Lazers] Ripping Open the Skies, and Technological Attacks of Autonomous Weapons’ built by the Very Hands of WE THE PEOPLE!!!!

Too be Certain` that Old Jewish Bible called the Old, and the New Testament (Gospel) is the play book of the FREE MASON Lodges Codes where THEY LIVE say Capitalist, and Capitalism is what makes a Nation Great: even at the expense of [EUGENICS] [{*}] that turn our Blue Eyes Brown, our Fair Hair Black, and our light skin dark…. This “so called” CAST SYSTEM of I am better then you cause my skin is NOT as dark as yours, and you {Dark Skins} are too be the least among mankind in the CORPORATION Kingdom of Machines, and Mechanization of U.N. Troops with {G4S] #USSF Space Force Weapons where these Doppelganger World Police Peacekeeper REPLACEMENT Populations with their Eyes that do {many strange things} runs all the TV SHOWS of the Fake Jews from Hollywood to Bollywood in the Book of Revelation: with their MADE IN CHINA Red Dragon, and the Merchant Ships that “cried” as WORLD WAR ZERO aka The Wizard of OZ began all over again too do the “Holocaust” in 2053 to 2054 that ends in 2055 just as happened in 1853 to 1854 that ended in [erosion] of all life in 1855…..

Christ Jesus Returned has walked among we the people……..., he has “slept” on the streets among the homeless, beaten, and broken, He Has eaten out of (Trash Cans) seeking food when hungry, he has road the Greyhound Buses from land to land, and he was taken to FULTON COUNTY JAIL in Georgia USA to be starved too Death: where the Holy Water Spirit did say he was free to leave from all Confinement….. And Yet, just as Paul The Apostate was Christ Jesus 1.0 {on the Run} after we got him off that Cross, and Healed him where Thomas saw the wounds of [The Jew] who was the ONLY Real Jew to ever walk this earth, his bloodline was the Blue Eyed Populations of them that I am Christ Jesus Returned…. One day’ we will be known, just as we are known, and Prophecies will fail, and Knowledge will fade away…..., but 1st Corinthians 13 is not a Lie….., nor is it a Lie Agreed Upon, it is the Truth, and The Way, and my reason to “go home” once I am Dead Dead Dead too all things` in this place of The Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken….

Johnny Exodice

Keep your eyes on James The Impossible Channel and Send him (BLIPS) when you catch strange things happening in these Strange Days!!!!!


Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
Chloe2021 4 jaar geleden

They probably gave all the Animals the COVID Vaccines!

Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 jaar geleden

meat does have iron in is and POWERFUL Enough Magnet could pull off this FEAR PORN....

Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
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