Look out Justin Castro. Someone is REALLY PISST AT YOU wanting to replace you. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY should not be death. Canadian coliseums for Masonic Worthiness TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS
The Mystery School Cult of thUgs desire to be entertained. They can "entertain" themselves, I say, by watching who of them can survive their own Trials and Tribulations that they have thrown at the unsworn people.
Capital Punishment by the state is not the answer. But it does make those Freemasons and Eastern-Stars shiver. https://ugetube.com/watch/will....iam-cooper-exposed-m We will let their A.I.god help them survive their Trials, if it can.
Open the coliseums TRIALS AND TRIBULATION AWAIT the Freemasons and other thUgs to prove their worthiness to genocide the unsworn. https://ugetube.com/watch/of-c....ourse-fidel-castro-i
You "Republic of Canada" seekers want a more honest political and policing structure in Canada
You will only get your republic if you realize your multidimensional spiritual foundations.
I can help you with that. The rebuilt Tower-Of_Babel will need to be powered-down first. Then all the Freemasons and other thUgs will loose their "Hivemind Army of Hate and Self-Righteous Greed" http://tob.ezyro.com/ http://antissss.ezyro.com/
Murdering the murderous thUgs is not a solution in the symbolic Age of Aquarius. The Masons love "Entertainment" at the cost of unsworn lives. They need their "entertainment."
Source: https://ugetube.com/watch/deat....h-is-the-penalty-for

The Mystery School Cult is going to dry-up and blow away in this probable world and the human-thUgs who have been collectively selling out their own species and genociding their bretheren will not have Freemasonic shoulders to lean on or hide behind or hood-wink from.. The Cult minions will have to stand up on their own two feet for a change rather than trying to hood-wink their spiritual superior sheeple after all the spiritual-expansion takes place here.
It will be bye, bye shit-hearted pie... and the cUlt revels in their self-corruption and they gloat at how convincing their deception is. Freemasons and Eastern-Stars are some of the most pathetic of the Cult that I had to endure. Prepare for your self-annihilation if you cannot convert to showing a bit of real love for even your own souls..

I am encouraged to see this. Gives me hope that there are sensible leaders out there! Blessings!