“Justin Is A Narcissist” Judas Goats Lead the Sheep Away From the Problem: Justin Castro is just a Freemason Following Orders
JamesRoss - 765 Views
Published on 17 May 2022 / In People and Blogs
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pZJ2WrZyZQ
It is a plain as the nose on his face. Justin does not do anything outside of the NWO Agenda2020-2030.
A Freemason who does not follow orders to the exact letter is turned off by implanted brainchip and then heterodyned(remote controlled) by his microwave "Light" handlers.
Rogan is hiding the Freemasonic agenda behind Justin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKxjUOE8Nlk so the same is the function of Peterson... Judas Goats are helping hide the guidance of other Judas Goats... the Freemasonic facade is falling apart before their plan to break out the machine-guns and concentration camps... the Agenda is not ready for martial law, yet... but it is in the agenda, be sure of that.
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