LIVE WORLD PREMIERE WATCH THE WATER=Dr. Bryan Ardis tells us why we should watch the water
Stew Peters interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis who tells us where he thinks covid came from and what's in the jab and why we should watch the water! This is beyond satanic if it's true!
DISCLAIMER: Nowadays we can’t find the truth. Everyone is spinning, lying, giving disinfo, you name it, so all I can do is give you info I have found that is interesting and it’s up to you to decide if you want to believe it or not. We must take in all kinds of info and be discerning about it because we don’t know what is true...we don’t want to throw out something that might be true even tho we thought it wasn’t. Just do your own research and be discerning.
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They are just wanting to poison and kill of the population. Why would healthy people willingly take these poisons? More people should really look at the side affects on the medication that they are taking to "help" them.

“VIRUSES” DO NOT EXIST as that is based off of GERM THEORY via SHILL Louis Pasteur propagated by JD ROCKEFELLER’s BIG PHARMA/PHARMAKIA/PHARMAKEIA: Witchcraft/Sorcery; further, there is NO sample of COVID that exists in the entire world, which the CDC and NIH admitted to. Moreover, there are no such thing as “germs,” the aforesaid “virus(es)”, their so-called “variants,” and “contagions,” that is all a mendacity or PSYOP pushed forth by JD Rockefeller’s BIG Pharma and shite Germ Theory peddled by his paid Shill Louis Pasteur who admitted on his death-bed and in his journals that he could not prove that ”viruses” exist nor that they were “contagious.” He further opined that “the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.” So, if one researches Virology, Epidemiology, Vaccinology, and Germ Theory via scholarly articles, peer-reviewed text/prose, scientific papers, and books, then one will learn the TRUTH. Further, “viruses” CANNOT jump from animals to humans, i.e., from one species to another species (Zoonotic) as they purport that “COVID” did from “Bats” or a “Pangolin.” And regarding so-called “vaccines," ALL VACCINES are SHITE, i.e., POISON; e.g., since Germ Weaponry/BIO-WEAPONS was made illegal by the Biological Weapons Convention or BWC or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, which is a disarmament treaty (agreement) that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons (vaccines) by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling, and usage, thus, the Euphemism, i.e., a paronomasia, “vaccine” was introduced; so, all “vaccines” are BIOLOGICAL Weapons via Gain of Function endeavoring and is why Fauci (NIAID/NIH) used China for the aforesaid reasons.

Bryan Ardis is pushing DISINFORMATION with his Snake Venom THEORY. E.g., that COVID is actually Snake Venom put inside the COVID VAXXES and also put into the water. Venom, be it an aerosolized powder or it being put into the water, cannot be a TOXIN to one. The aforesaid is confirmed via Dr. Tom Cowan who underscores this briefly in a video "LIVE WEBINAR FROM APRIL 15TH, 2022," in which he states, "...Putting any kind of snake venom in the water, and [thus,] have it orally ingested...in fact it would do nothing." Furthermore, "And the idea that there is a COVID specific disease caused by a specific poisoning with a specific snake venom is looking like pure fantasy." And he also underscored "That Remdesivir is definitely not snake venom." (3:21-3:54) https://www.bitchute.com/video/69jPy847JLiP/?list=notifications&randomize=false. Moreover, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, along with Dr. Stefan Lanka, and Dr. William Trebing, have all proven that GERM THEORY is a sham or nonsense, i.e., a PSYOP. of Rockefeller's Big Pharma.
Additionally, Ardis dismisses DARPA's AI HYDROGEL (GRAPHENE OOXIDE/BLACK GOO) in the Gene Therapy/Bioweapon Kill-shots that also have CRISPR technology in it via the boosters, which is Gene Hacking or Gene Editing Tech, which can be found on their websites in full detail/disclosure.
Moreover, he is disingenuous to promote the FALSE NARRATIVE of "COVID"; i.e., SHITE GERM THEORY, which was created by JD ROCKEFELLER and peddled by his paid/owned SHILL Louis Pasteur, who admitted that the "microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything"; and also admitted on his death-bed and in his journals that he could never isolate the "virus," thus, proving in its so-called existence, and therefore, he could not prove it to be a contagion or contagious. I.e., there is no such thing as "viruses," nor "germs," and thus, so-called "variants" due to the aforesaid being "contagious." That is all FEAR PORN or IGNORANCE/UNAWARENESS and ostensibly someone who subscribes to shite Germ Theory like most scientists and doctors do who are all INSTITUTIONALIZED, i.e., CONDITIONED with lies, because they are CULTISTS.
Suffice it to say, the CDC & NIH have admitted that a sample of "COVID DOES NOT EXIST" anywhere in the world. And keep in mind that these so-called "experts" is a term for a narcissist, who peddles SUBJECTIVE IMMORALISM with their insularly vapid opines, which keeps the Sheeple in their haze, i.e., in their idiocy.
Notwithstanding, it would behoove one to research Virology, Epidemiology, Immunology, Vaccinology, and Germ Theory, via scholarly articles, peer-reviewed papers/prose, scientific journals, and books on all of the aforesaid to determine that COVID and Germ Theory is BULLSHIT or a PSYOP, especially before one spews feeble comments based in Subjectivism, which is not Truth; i.e., it is one's opinion (a belief), which is meaningless, juxtaposed to Objectivism, i.e., TRUTH (not a belief/opinion), which comes from Discernment and Gnosis.

This does not have to be 100% fact, to be significant.

Where I live our city had a pump fail which allowed for dangerous levels of fluoride to be pumped into our drinking water. We could not drink tap water for a few weeks while everything was being tested. Since then we have not used our tap water for drinking or cooking. Everything is going through a filter now.