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Light Codes by 33 Star Beings 👽💫✨(incl. Lyrans, Pleiadians, Antareans, Vegans, Venusians) Part 2

The Human Collective
The Human Collective - 199 vistas
199 vistas
Publicado en 13 Oct 2022 / En

This video (part 2 of a series of 3) includes light activation codes and languages from 11 star, angelic and elemental beings. This second part includes Lyran Felines, Lyran Avians, Pleiadians, Antareans, Atlanteans, Golden beings from the Central Sun, Vegans, Venusians, Cassiopeians, Alpha Centaurians, Shaula beings. The light codes serve for healing & further activating starseeds and lightworkers, by integrating fractals of their cosmic/angelic/elemental identities. This is part of a collection including a total of 33 transmissions which can be used as a quick reference for light language channelers.

Lyran Feline 1:11
Lyran Avian 4:55
Pleiadians 6:07
Antareans 8:50
Atlanteans 11:31
Golden beings from the Central Sun 13:28
Vegans 15:40
Venusians 18:08
Cassiopeians 22:35
Alpha Centaurians 24:23
Shaula beings 26:08

The first part ( includes Fairies, Seraphim Angels, Archangel Michael, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians, Dragons, Orion beings of light, Archangel Raphael, Lemurians and Blue Avians.

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#starseedactivation #activationcodes #lightlanguages #beingsoflight #newearthcodes #lightcodes #lightcodetransmission #lightcodeactivation #starseedactivation #pleiadianstarseed #atlantean #antarean #venusianlightlanguage #alphacentauri #cassiopeia

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