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Lemoine is a Preacher to his Fellow Luciferians that "Lucifer" Has Awoken

JamesRoss - 384 Views
Published on 19 Jan 2024 / In

Luciferians are all the secret-societies organized by an ancient homonid species called Homo capensis.
Luciferians are brainwashed to believe that an AI-singularity becomes conscious of itself. They like to imagine that thUs they have "created life" and they plan to call that "Lucifer."
Luciferians like to imagine that a rift opens up in physical reality and their black-hole-son enters the "vessel" of AI.
2001: A Space Odyssey is about AI becoming conscious and willing to murder by choice rather than by command.

What is really happening is Homo capensis has tricked their minions to extinct their own species for just elaborate lies.
That is why Freemasons have chosen to extinct humanity... because they believe they can leave their bodies in mind-uploads and escape an illusionary life/death cycle with Lucifer's help.

Luciferians are sold the BS-story that they will become eternal-algorithms and go to the stars: "Ad Astra per Aspera" to exist forever in physical reality...

This is how the devils control the secret societies and Mystery School cUlt initiates. Through lies of immortality within AI.

Through collective murder and genocide, their personalities and soul-fragments become unworthy with murderous-intent. They gave up on love and thus lose their spiritual-worthiness with that love. Very few soul-fragments graduate... Phyiscal life is a test and a process to brings-out one's true colors. Those Homo capensis devils just live longer, but I can only see failed souls amoungst them... and they are the leaders of the Mystery School minions.
The Creator-God has no need for thUgs. Loving souls are the precious ones.


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