Left’s Tactics and LANGUAGE is Lifted From Lenin 100 Yrs Ago
“Social Justice”, “Privilege”, the idea that the middle class must be destroyed because everything they have is stolen (“Loot the Looters”). BLM, Antifa tactics, even terminology, hasn’t changed as book from 1998 looking at Lenin’s revolution shows. Here’s where this is headed
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is david knight michael knight hidden brother ?
secretly sponsored by nike to broadcast fake news about establishment

w and biden thought that they would divert attention about fbi and gestapo blaming marx and china
only david knight believes such clowns

ussr and nazi germany were buckingham outsourced governments
since ww2, usa has become buckingham shell embassy

lenin is of course buckingham set up
made from illegitimate victorian lineage
faking revolution in russia to save romanoff from russians

watch closely lenin and try to find who he looks like