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Latest ‘Drain-The-Swamp’ News - Thursday, 28th of January - Morning Coffee Edition

Stroppy Me
Stroppy Me - 2,521 Bekeken
2,521 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 28 Jan 2021 / In Nieuws en Politiek
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JamesKin 4 jaar geleden

hey you has as much junk as i does he he he : ) evidence of procrastination, we is guilty Stroppy.

Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
Kenfreak 4 jaar geleden

From Microsoft Bing : quo warranto[ˌkwō wəˈränˌtō, -ˈran-]NOUN law historical US:
a writ or legal action requiring a person to show by what warrant an office or franchise is held, claimed, or exercised.

Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
Suzanne Anon
Suzanne Anon 4 jaar geleden

Always great, and insightful, hearing what you are moved to say & report on. Thank you.

Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 jaar geleden

And The Teacher Spoke…., This Cell Phone Technology is killing us, and especially the 5G SMART Phones after 2010 C.E. with Radiation {Radio and Microwaves} +=+ in the Palms of your Toddlers, and Preteen, and even youm my Teenagers of Birth Reproduction age,

and the Cell phone has been in our [Human] QBALLS~ /_\ Environment for over 11 years in a Spectrum of Radiation WAVES and “Frequencies” and Vibrations that are DETRIMENTAL, and HARMFUL, and have been {breaking down} your genetics, so you get ALZTIMERS, Brain Damage, Autistic Babies, And many people will and have already gone insane,

and in all the other “Racka” of SORCERY being used on you: by these PROJECT BLUE BEAM Black Mirrors youm lay in bed with your children as they lose their “ability” too reproduce cause RADIATION causes Sterilization and MADNESS,

and it is the True Weapon of these Doppelganger FREE MASON {Incubus and Succubus} from the Southern Hemisphere in OUR Shared Celestial Sphere: whom have taken over our Northern Hemisphere after them MUD FLOOD WARS, and the longer you keep these [Tracer GPS] Devices on in your homes with BLUE TOOTH Radiation [Microwaves] of the FULL SPECTRUM, the more your selves, and your young will be STERILIZED, and brain damaged “for life” from Radiation Sickness that is the true cause of this WAR OF THE WORLDS Bio Weapon called:

These HAND HELD Death Media Mechanization of the Hollywood {NEWS} World Order, and the more you have too keep the Ear Buds in, wear The Hand Watch SLAVE EMPLOYEE 5G Bracelet, the more the RADIATION {gets into} your Flesh, and your Blood, and Your BONES: because we are all Bio-electric Beings, and this is why the many will die of (COVID19} cause it is these 5G Radiation SLOW KILL devices youm cannot put down and walk away from…

Lie too your “self” if you must my nonmason Romantic Warriors, and MY People, and MY Children of Pak-Toe, but the whole plan too kill, and murder, all nonmason [HUMANS] [{*}] on this side of the FLAT EARTH was always these Racka {Media Devices} you spend hours and days Mesmerized and Hypnotized by the Enchantment of their {T.V. Shows} called LET US ENTERTAIN YOU,

and THE RAPTURE by way of these Radiation Devices: youm have been “deceived” by all U.N. CORPORATIONS, and their FREE MASON [Internationalist] / * \ Global Citizens LIES AGREED UPON that Cell Phones are [harmless] enough too leave in the crib with your new born babies, and give them Brain Damage, and Other HEALTH Issues of unknown sources.?.?.?

Down Load the RADIATION APPS, and put them on your [Phones] and your Children’s Phones, and the i-phones and Tablets, and see the “amount” of {REMS of RADIATION} youm are ingesting into their bodies, and your own!!!!!

You have not listened to me as The Oracle for The End of an Age, and now youm have all these SCREENS of Black Mirrors made by the PizzaGATE Satanist, and you can not put them down cause youm are ADDICTED to the very “thing” that is the actually cause of all (COVID19) DEATHS and Illness, and All Now these NEW NORMAL Mutations, and the Vaccines are [worthless] [{**}] against RADIATION Poisoning….

I told you my NON-MASON too take back your towns, I TOLD you: the FREE MASON Lodge Members in your Locations are all in on this DEATH Depopulation {Hidden in plain sight} in your Hands, and the hands of your Human babies, and now youm know….

RADIATION Sickness {is made} by these SMART PHONES for they are nothing but WEAPONS of WAR IS MURDER, and these FREE MASON {C.O.P.S.} and their U.N. Troops have now murdered we all….

The Book of EXODICE!!!

You would do well to get a {Flip Phone} and Talk when needed……., but these High Technology RADIOACTIVE Media Devices are [5G] Eugenics Death RADIATION Weapons…..., and youn now “know” why FLAT EARTH is “hidden” by our Oppressors from the OTHER SIDE of FLAT EARTH, and how [THEY LIVE] have Trick or Treat {WE ARE} into killing our selves, and our own children…

The Society of nonmason~

† ///|||\\\ Ω

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Prahamama 4 jaar geleden

Stroppy, nice to find you again. Love thanks from LA. 9 pm

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