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King Charles Calls For Vast Military-Style Campaign and “A War” to Enforce The Great Reset - FULL SHOW 11/01/21

Infowars - 580 Vues
580 Vues
Publié le 02 Nov 2021 / Dans

As Queen Elizabeth II prepares to abdicate the throne, Prince Charles has unofficially taken control of the British empire - And in his first act, has declared war on humanity! The United Nations is a world government project established by the most powerful families on earth to enforce planetary neo-feudalism.

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5 commentaires sort Trier par

hard-drive 3 années depuis

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hard-drive 3 années depuis

beware mars was used to be roman god of war,
now substituted by buckingham planet
invading earth with gestapo

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marcko mcjsouzsn
marcko mcjsouzsn 3 années depuis

It is so obvious alex is a gatekeeper to the presentation and introduction of the Global Elite...

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marcko mcjsouzsn
marcko mcjsouzsn 3 années depuis

Why would a war need to be started to usher in the great reset...I thought the reset was to be in
the idea that a reset would be the future of humanity with prosperity for a few and not all...but
if it is so great why does a war need to be started...lets get rid of the elites and not worry about
any more wars, diseases, vaccines etc...lets gid rid of the problem so we can prosper for the
betterment of the whole for the people for the first time in history!!!! Klause can eat a bowl of cocks!!!

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hard-drive 3 années depuis

charles burma is not king ...
buckingham pseudo-science :
"he feels bad because he is not well"
"of course he does not feel well because he is bad"

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