Kind Hearts And Coronets (1980) by Gilbert Travers Thomas
The second BBC Radio production by Gilbert Travers Thomas' adaptation of the screenplay of the film KIND HEARTS AND CORONETS by Robert Harner and John Dighton from the novel ISRAEL RANK by Roy Horniman.
Louis Mazzini is the only son of the disowned and cast-out youngest daughter of the 7th Duke of Chalfont. After his mother dies and Louis is spurned by the D'Ascoyne family, Louis is determined to ascend to the heights by any means possible ... and no matter how many D'Ascoynes stand in his way of becoming the next Duke of Chalfont!
Louis D'Ascoyne Mazzini, Charles Ascoyne D'Ascoyne, Lord Ascoyne D'Ascoyne, Henry D'Ascoyne,The Reverend Lord Henry D'Ascoyne, Lady Agatha D'Ascoyne, Admiral Lord Horatio D'Ascoyne. General Lord Rufus D'Ascoyne & Ethelred Duke of Chalfont ... Robert Powell
Sibella ... Elizabeth Bell
Edith D'Ascoyne ... Fiona Walker
Hangman ... Timothy Bateson
with: Patrick Barr, Diana Bishop, John Church, Sonia Fraser, Alexander John, Geoffrey Kenton, Jenny Lee, John Livesey, David McAlister, John McAndrew, Sion Probert, Martyn Read, John Rye, Haydn Wood
Music composed and played by Terence Allbright
Directed by Ian Cotterell
Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 25 December 1980
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