Justin Trudeau Ranked Worst Prime Minister By New Poll_ Maverick News Live
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Trudeau Ranked worst Prime Minister By New Poll:
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was voted Canada’s worst leader over the past 55 years in a public opinion poll of 1,000 Canadians conducted by Research Co.
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What happened to Canada?... the treacherous freemasons put Justin Castro at the head of their fake governance.
And Now an A.i. supercomputer is ruling Canada with Justin acting as it's puppet to convince you that everything is going as planned by the NWO.
The devastation of the Somalian community by allowing Mystery-School Cult-ships destroying their coastal fishing grounds is an example of what the Luciferians will now do to your food sources... you see... they see you as dumb sheep and so you play that role to die by starvation... or do you wish to starve? It is time to wake-up to the monsters backstabbing your future. WAKE-UP!!!

Ha haa... Justin Casto is a total Freemason puppet who's job is to control the dumbed-down sheeple of Canada while his Cult of Freemason traitors bring in millions of immigrants who are muzlim and will defy the status of the typical Canadian home owner.
These immigrants are shipped in free... well, they are actually paid by the the Freemason Cult with a free jet ticket, free house free couple of cars and free food... but they have no work ethic and are total lovers of Trudeau generosity as Canada is brought down to ruins by the Freemasons.... not the immigrant cannon-fodder... Freemasons are the decendants of the Romans who divide -and -conquer their adversaries. Middle class North America is the target of Freemason North America as their genocide the sheeple... you see...
They serve the Cult of monsters, who are Homo capnesis, the ancient thUgs who used to rule ancient Egypt. They live for thousands of years due to genetic manipulation which also destroyed their spiritual vitality at the same time...
They are a self-dooming species... into a hell upon Earth as self-righteous-devils who don't die for a very, very long time. And thus you can find them infiltrating the Holy Bible and calling themselves collectively "the devil" or "Satan."
The Freemason-run education-system does not teach you this in your "public-education" "indoctrination-brainwashing" organizations. You have been duped by the Mystery School Cult everyone.
