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JUST IN! Impeachment BOMBSHELL Rocks The White House BIDEN Just Got The News!!!

The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 01 Dec 2023 / In News and Politics

Impeachment bombshell rocks the white house Biden just got the news. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced new articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

#marjorietaylorgreene #joebiden #bordercrisis

Upload Date πŸ’»: 11/30/2023
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Background Image πŸ“·/Video Credit πŸ™ : To Myself ( Prasanth ) 😁

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No More Revolutions
No More Revolutions 8 months ago

Marjorie is such a snake and liar. She wants impeach the bad people, while itself she is really bad too. She invested in 3 major vaccines companies, and at the same time walking-talking everywhere how bad the vaccines are. Then why would she help to vaccines's companies grow? They all belong to same club of liars and pretenders, playing "sucrifices" to stay in the game longer. Now it is time Majorka to be "sacrificed". Comedy continues

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