John Barbour & Dustin Nemos on Jim Garrison and The Murder of JFK (And The War On Truth)
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#DustinNemos #Qanon #Nemov8

Just know that ALL religions are FREE MASON crap and through ink on paper in 3D Books of 2D Paper and 1D ink they have pulled the whole over our nonmason assess for 10,000 years!!! It is time to see these as just Tricks or Treats of the NEW WORLD ORDER, and say enough!!! WE are People and Persons and we matter way more then your Gods that do not feed us clothe us, or help us, and so we just gonna STOP giving MONEY to Charities or Churches or even Local Lodges of these FREE MASON and go help our nonmason Brothers and Sisters - Mothers and Fathers - Sun and Daughters!!! WE Are Pak-Toe!!! We don't do Racka!!! We take them out!!! The Oracle for the End of An Age connected to The Source of ALL CREATION has spoken!!! Be gone with your Imagination Tricks and EDISON COLLAR on our Mother Heaven Father Earth HOME WORLD on this side of FLAT EARTH and stay the hell out of our HUMAN BODY AVATARS you Golem Gargoyle Demons and Devils, and take your Fracking Lodge with you whence we take you out, or be ready for Battle Star GALATICA you stinking Cylons of The EDISON Machine cause we gonna Break that shit while you STAY CALM!!!! Q+ The Pen` [///|||\\]