Joe Biden _I don't know what I'm signing_ signs executive order.
Is this real ? You decide ! Sure does sound real .

Tribute to Adolf Hitler, Defender of Europe
The result is a town
you have lost your identity. No ideals
neither morals, nor traditions, nor race.
Masses of bastards
with nothing to defend.
Germany was 100 years ahead of all countries ❤ that was power
By training he says, when German soldiers were the best of the time. And the camouflage uniform was invented by the Germans in those times, I could name an infinite number of things ...
They could win easily, in fact they already had Europe on their knees, their only mistake was to go after the Soviet Union without having finished the United Kingdom, this would cost them defeat by not having enough numbers to face practically everyone.
1940: United Kingdom, France, Holland, Belgium, Canada and Luxenburg vs Germany. Battle of France 6 countries against 1 and neither could they stop Germany.
Sooner rather than later the whole of humanity will know that the Second World War was about liberating humanity and granting them knowledge or keeping them as slaves, and guess what !, we are still slaves and knowledge is still kidnapped, the truth will set us free!

Homenaje a Adolf Hitler, Defensor de Europa
El Resultado es un pueblo
que ha perdido su identidad. Sin ideales
ni moral, ni tradicones, ni raza.
Masas de bastardos
sin nada que defender.
Alemania estaba 100 años por delante de todos los paises ❤ eso era poder
Por entrenamiento dice, cuando los soldados alemanes eran los mejores de la época. Y el uniforme de camuflaje lo inventaron los alemanes en esos tiempos, podría citar infinidad de cosas...
Pudieron ganar fácil de hecho ya tenian a Europa de rodillas su único error fue ir tras la Union soviética sin haber ultimado a reino unido esto le costaría la derrota al no tener los números suficientes para enfrentarse a prácticamente todo el mundo .
1940: Reino Unido, Francia,Holanda,Belgica,Canada y Luxenburgo vs Alemania. Batalla de Francia 6 paises contra 1 y ni haci podian parar a Alemania.
Más temprano que tarde la humanidad entera sabrá que la segunda guerra mundial se trató de liberar a la humanidad y otorgarle el conocimiento o mantenerlos como esclavos, y adivinen que!, seguimos siendo esclavos y el conocimiento sigue secuestrado., la verdad nos hará libres!

I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but this is really telling. This isn't the first time something like this has happened with Biden either. Remember when Obama was being interviewed and said that wanted to have a third term? He said that he wanted to use someone as a puppet. This is real. It's like they aren't even trying to be covert anymore.

OUT w The occupant Dictator Beijiing Biden From The Red China Virus House.
Make the house white again and in W Real President Trump. Regards from Polands People