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Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Executive Order 11110

Ihatetyrants2 - 1,133 Views
Published on 27 May 2018 / In Film and Animation

John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln are two of history's most popular and influential U.S. presidents -- unfortunately, they were both also assassinated. Yet some people believe we're missing the big picture behind these deaths. Want to know more? Tune in.

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There's a story in the Ufo community that Kennedy was killed because he was putting pressure on the cia to release the Ufo files. Kennedy was also pissed at the alphabet org for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which they conducted without his approval. He later fired Allen Dulles, the director. What he didn't know was Dulles was MJ-1. The head of MJ-12, the secret group that was formed by Truman, after signing the National Security Act in late 1947, just a few weeks after the Roswell crash. They have a document that was thrown in a fire, but grabbed by somebody who saved the document. It was a Majic eyes only that said if "Lancer" persists with his plans, the job must be "wet", indicating blood, indicating assassination. "Lancer" was Kennedy's name by the secret service. It's funny because after they killed him, Nixon appointed Dulles to head the Warren Commission, which did the investigation into his death. Pretty crazy huh?

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