Jim and Diane, Walk and Talk, July 21, 2023, OPPENHEIMER, GUN LAWS, NO CARS, July 21, 2023
*** Oppenheimer Movie.
*** Oppenheimer Film Whitewashes Marxist Mad Scientist: The new movie offers us a "teachable moment" to review what a wretched human being that "the father of the atomic bomb" truly was.
*** DCDAVE - Most people also continue to believe that whatever the horrors of dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the killing of all those innocent people, at least it brought an end to the war and therefore likely saved lives on balance. That belief has been challenged in recent years by leftist historians, who argue that what really caused the Japanese to surrender was not the dropping of the bombs but the dropping of its non-aggression pact with Japan by the Soviet Union at about the same time as the Nagasaki bomb fell. I believe that both are wrong, and that what was really decisive is that, little known to the public, Truman subtly dropped what had prevented the Japanese from surrendering for months, and he did that thanks to the influence of Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal. We're talking about the U.S. insistence that the surrender had to be unconditional. For the full exposition of the thesis, see "Oliver Stone on the Japanese Surrender." It's a real shame that it took President Truman so long to start listening to Forrestal. Had he begun taking his advice from his Navy Secretary sooner and had he not been so much influenced by pro-Communist advisers left over from FDR's administration, not only would the two bombs not have been dropped but the bloody battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa would not have been fought. Furthermore, it is highly likely that Korea would not have been divided, meaning that there would have been no Korean War, and China might not have fallen to the reds. See "Forrestal Ignored: China Lost to Reds, Korean War Fought."
*** MA - Let’s start with this report: Firearm owners should avoid travel to Massachusetts and consider moving if they already live there, according to a gun rights organization concerned about a gun control bill making its way through the state legislature. "If Massachusetts makes House Docket 4420 law, Massachusetts will become the most anti-gun state in the country," Austin Hein, the director of political operations for the National Association for Gun Rights, told Fox News. "What Massachusetts is clearly trying to do here is basically repeal the Second Amendment as we know it," he added.
*** TN - Here is a short list of some of the medical disorders that could disqualify a Tennessee citizen from exercising their right to keep and bear arms per the medication prescribed for treatment: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (which targets veterans, of course) Anorexia Premenstrual Syndrome Eating Disorders Nerve Pain Male Sexual Problems Insomnia Postpartum Depression
Fibromyalgia Hypochondria Chronic Headaches Attention Deficit Disorder Sleep Disorders Personality Disorders Obesity
Under Governor Lee’s proposed gun confiscation bill, laws protecting medical privacy, such as HIPAA and others, would be suspended, and physicians or pharmacists would be required by law to report the use of medications used to treat the above disorders to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation—which could trigger the confiscation of the person’s firearms. And, prominent Tennessee Southern Baptist leader, Brent Leatherwood, has publicly endorsed Lee’s communistic gun confiscation proposal.
The World Economic Forum has finally admitted that their real goal is to take away everyone’s privately-owned automobile. One of the WEF’s partners . . . Arup Group, recently released a report pontificating that “private car ownership needs to end.” .... Of course, these ... claim that this is “necessary” to end cars to stop the fake crisis of global warming.... THIS is why they are pushing this fantasy idea that electric vehicles are the “future.” They know full well that EVs are NOT going to work long term as a transportation option, but they want to force the car industry to stop making gas-powered cars and commit to all EVs and they want local governments to put so many obstacles in the way of gas cars BEFORE every one fully realizes that EVs are not really a viable solution.
*** Raising Kids, Policing Curriculum
*** Sharing our faith in Jesus Christ