Italy Nurse Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam: "Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics"
My name is Rachel Seller and I'm a registered nurse. My specialty is forensic nursing. I expose medical crime on misdiagnosis. At a time I help people discover the root cause of disease. I'm also a holistic nurse so I specialize in all things: natural medicine integrative and functional medicine.
Today I have a very important message for you about vaccines containing MRC five cell line. This is an urgent message. What we now know about vaccines, they are genetically modified organisms. They were made in a lab. They are using aborted human fetal cells! I also want to tell you that my brother who was 18 years old was vaccine injured. He went paralyzed from waist down after a flu shot and none of the doctors knew what was wrong with him. I will tell you today that these vaccines that they are making, the only thing I can think of is calling it as WITCHCRAFT, medical sorcery. This is vast vaccine sorcery because the MRC five cell line is actually used using aborted human fetal tissue! This fetal tissue has been around since the 1960s..
So basically they're taking aborted human fetal cells that are CANCEROUS and they are putting it into your vaccine MRC-5 cell line. It is a genetically modified cell line but this is nothing new. That's in the insert. This is why we have cancer and autoimmune folks! it's very important not to fall into any of the cancer vaccine scams!
Vaccines are bio weapons and the ones that contain MRC-5 cell line is a whole other level of a bio weapon.
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Dont trust ur goverment. They are evil and their purpose is New World Order. We have to resistance together!
☀️Please share this video and spread awarness!

Thank you for the video. Ignore the satanic zealot below

Teacher…, what is the REFINEMENT “of our” Knowledge??? When you look at this FLAT EARTH Celestial Sphere {Home World} of PURGATORY that we all live in……..., we know even the “Presidents” of the UNITED STATES did not comprehend [The Great Disaster] [{**}] when that CATACLYSM happened over 10,000 years ago that we call The Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 in our Society of nonmason CODE System` where in our De – Ja – Vu “Lives” +=+ in this never ending FREE MASON OTO (Oraborus Curse) / * \ of these TALMUD Zionist Jesuit whom built these 5G “TIME LOOP” /_\ Mechanization did not understand the true deceptive [interlaces of madness] and lunacy that EVIL Spirits can have “on the” human mind!!! WE know since The Rag Tag Rebellion took out one of the 3 EDISON [{*}]…….., that the POPULATIONS of Holographic People……., Persons…..., and exclusionary delusional “people” have disappeared from this side of OUR FLAT EARTH as any LOGUNS RUN holographic Star Trek Holodeck ENTITIES of Esoteric Machine Beings Would….., so we can see that FLAT EARTH is an As Above So Below WORLD of “Electromagnetism” where one side of FLAT EARTH is called Heaven…., and the Other side of FLAT Earth is called Hell…, or Matter.., and Anti Matter… Since we now “know” what the NATO Symbol of E. W. S. N. actually represents., we can be more certain OUR ENEMY “The Racka” and these INTERNATIONALIST Come from the other side of The World, and they are not True INTERDEMENSIONAL “Beings” from other Celestial Spheres!!!! WE know there is the Red Tie TRUMP that is his “Doppelganger” from the Other Side of the World, and we know that Blue Tie Trump is from “Our Side” of this World, and We know we are all Electrical Machines of “Biological” Descent on this side of the FLAT EARTH, and we know that “THEY LIVE” are Anti be it just the Simple YING and YANG that either all things “exist” or nothing does, and this is why the Thesis, Antithesis, that THEY LIVE whom are Synthetic Beings CANNOT Bring this whole wide world into SYNTHESIS, but they are all filled with PROFANE Insane Evil Spirits in their minds, so THEY LIVE follow the thoughts “of pure” and utter Foolishness, let alone their (COVID19) Alien Invasion from the Negative Side of the World trying to mix with our “Positive Side” of the world, and in that` You can fall in love with a PERSON from the Other Side of the world if our “Polarities” pull toward one another just like the Magnets pull together when it is one NEGATIVE, and one POSITIVE, but these Synthetic HUMANS of Flesh and Blood and Bones whom run the UNITED NATIONS want to make Positive “Attract Positive” and Negative Attract Negative for these people have fallen in love….., and they want to PROCREATE, and this Synthesis “in this” SIMULATION Video Game our home world of Purgatory “shall and will” never allow, or let it too happen no matter how many MAD SCIENTIST try to manipulate our Celestial Sphere……., and even THE MACHINE of Forced Slave Labor Technology sees and “feels” and represents OUR WILLS when we ask for Help from “The Great Spirit” of our Celestial Sphere CONSTRUCT!!! For any whom are new too my teachings….., if you can not even integrate that we live in a 2 Sided AS ABOVE SO BELOW [FLAT EARTH] World System…..., then you will never be able to break away from from {The Hypnotism} of these TV SCREENS and Mesmerization Devices from the Anti Matter Side “of this” Celestial Sphere Home World of Purgatory…. REMEMBER…., If you put on the FACE MASK…..., you are [bowing down] to the U.N. FLAGS invasion Force from the Other Side “of our” FLAT DUAL EARTH!!!! The Book of EXODICE!!!
When you hear the word CLONE the person is speaking in CODE meaning they are a Doppelganger from the other Side of our FLAT EARTH Dream World Reality!!!
Do you now see that MANDELA Effect means the “Other Side” of this AS ABOVE SO BELOW Celestial Sphere SIMULATION Construct home world of PURGATORY has TWO “almost” Identical Societies, Civilizations, and Time Lines.?.?.?.?.?
The Green hat`
And do so tell me???????? Why does a Neutral SEX things need Make-Up when it has no Human Biological Vagina, or is it all WOMBMEN must [hide their] +=+ FACES from their “Master MASONS” with Make-Up.?.?.?.?
And we know these THINGS will us ROBOTS to decimate the Human Population on this side of the FLAT EARTH!!!
The Society of nonmason~