This video is being processed. Please try again soon.IS YOUR LOVE TO JESUS CHRIST MARKED BY OBEDIENCE TO HIM
Lee Evans - 166 Views
Published on 17 Sep 2024 / In Spiritual
Gal 6:2-72 And bear ye one another's burdens, that so ye may fulfill the law of the Messiah.3 For if any one thinketh himself to be something, when he is not, he deceiveth himself.4 But let a man examine his own conduct; and then his glorying will be within himself, and not in others.5 For every man must take up his own load.6 And let him that heareth the word, communicate to him who instructeth him, in all good things.7 Do not mistake; God is not deceived; for what a man soweth, that also will he reap.
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