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We won the War against EVIL.
Nikos Hadjopulos
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Is Ann Coulter Really Considering A 2020 Run Against President Trump?

Infowars - 326 Vues
326 Vues
Publié le 30 Jan 2019 / Dans

William Gheen joins Alex Jones to beg the question: will Ann Coulter run against President Trump for the 2020 election to drum up support for the policies and causes true conservatives care about?

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CLYDEO77 5 années depuis

Its going to be humiliating for her when the american conservative rejects her ....

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Tommy Wink
Tommy Wink 5 années depuis

If you're going to complain about Trump, at least complain about something he's done that was really wrong, like the bump stock ban. Now that's something worth bitching about, but DACA? Come on, guy.

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Tommy Wink
Tommy Wink 5 années depuis

This guy is a buffoon and I don't trust him. He starts off by saying Ann Coulter is imperfect, but fails to give Trump the same grace. Seriously, the DACA people are not the illegal immigration problem. DACA folks have lived here their entire life and many don't even speak the language they'd be deported to if they were deported. Use some common sense and decency. We need to stop the chain migration and the flow across the borders. The people that have lived here their whole lives and don't know anything else should be citizens. They didn't ask for the situation they're in. This is one place where compassion should be our first response.

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We won the War against EVIL.
Nikos Hadjopulos
33 Vues