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    ION US - I Was Wrong, I Don't Know 2020-07-20

    ION US
    ION US - 671 Views
    Published on 24 Jul 2020 / In News and Politics

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    ION US - I Was Wrong, I Don't Know
    Monday, July 20th, 2020

    Empowering words some need to utter more than others.
    COVID freak out is a hoax.
    Everyone knows it.
    Who will be held responsible?
    The next in a series messages/warnings to businesses.
    (Updates and corrections to be made. Example: there ARE studies that purport to show that masks can stop the spread of the disease... dubiously.)

    The following is a text rough draft of the message/warning with links:


    As well as filling the FQI position here I’m also the head of the safety committee.
    As such, and with previous training, I’m writing to present concerns about the health and safety of my co-workers.

    I am requesting that the corporation verify all information presented here.
    The lives and livelihoods of your employees depends upon it.
    All of the facts presented here have been known since the very first time I passed the confined space entry course over 20 years ago.
    They have continued in every construction/fab job I’ve ever had. Every training course.
    Nothing has changed with the standards.

    1. Face masks and respirators should not be worn by employees who have not taken a spirometry test:
    “The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) mandates Respirator Fit Testing (RFT) on the federal level and state level for most localities.
    Employers who fail to comply face fines of up to $7,000 for the first offense and $70,000 for repeated offenses. An RFT that averages under $100 per test
    can help employers avoid costly penalties while safeguarding their workers.”

    2. The corporation is taking on the liability for the false sense of security a mask brings – even as mentioned by Dr. Fauci.
    Please see the attached photo. If a mask can’t stop a virus and is not designed to, then even “slowing the spread” is impossible.

    3. There are NO studies – worldwide – that even suggest mask can stop and or/slow the spread of any disease.
    -Correction (39:15)
    There are very recent studies that focus on only masks usage and do not include any other potential factors

    -The surgical masks used during operations is meant to stop saliva from entering into an open patient.
    As per manufactures and every study done on medical-grade surgical masks, they are only 44% effective at stopping moisture going either way through the mask.
    There have been zero studies to show that masks or “social distancing” has any effect whatsoever on ANY disease or it’s spread and is very detrimental to the health.

    - What Studies Reveal About Social Distancing And Remote Working During Coronavirus

    - The Perils of Social Isolation

    The psycological impact was studied long ago, is used as torture and the real name is Social Isolation.
    - Atty Leigh Dundas, Esq.: Social Isolation CIA, Anyone under 19y/o has a 0.00% chance of death from COVID-19

    The false sense of security that comes as a result of these edicts, and inversely the understanding your employees have of these facts undermines the trust they have in you.

    4. Out of the 7 studies presented by the US Surgeon General in support of wearing masks to “slow the spread”, Only two of them even mention masks or the wearing thereof.
    See link attachments and picture above.

    STUDY #1:
    - Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany
    N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 5; 382(10): 970–971.
    doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2001468
    PMCID: PMC7120970
    PMID: 32003551

    STUDY #2:
    - Zou L, Ruan F, Huang M, et al. SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients
    N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 19; 382(12): 1177–1179.
    doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2001737
    PMCID: PMC7121626
    PMID: 32074444

    STUDY #3:
    - Pan X, Chen D, Xia Y, et al. Asymptomatic cases in family cluster with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    The Lancet Infectious diseases. 2020.
    Published Online
    February 19, 2020

    STUDY #4:
    - Bai Y, Yao L, Wei T, et al. Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19. Jama. 2020.
    JAMA. 2020;323(14):1406-1407.

    STUDY #5:
    - Kimball A KH, Arons M, et al. Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Residents of a Long-Term Care Skilled Nursing Facility — King County, Washington, March 2020
    Anne Kimball, MD,corresponding author1,2 Kelly M. Hatfield, MSPH,1 Melissa Arons, MSc,1,2 Allison James, PhD,1,2 Joanne Taylor, PhD,1,2 Kevin Spicer, MD,1 Ana C. Bardossy, MD,1,2 Lisa P. Oakley, PhD,1,2 Sukarma Tanwar, MMed,1,2 Zeshan Chisty, MPH,1 Jeneita M. Bell, MD,1 Mark Methner, PhD,1 Josh Harney, MS,1 Jesica R. Jacobs, PhD,1,3 Christina M. Carlson, PhD,1,3 Heather P. McLaughlin, PhD,1 Nimalie Stone, MD,1 Shauna Clark,4 Claire Brostrom-Smith, MSN,4 Libby C. Page, MPH,4 Meagan Kay, DVM,4 James Lewis, MD,4 Denny Russell,5 Brian Hiatt,5 Jessica Gant, MS,5 Jeffrey S. Duchin, MD,4 Thomas A. Clark, MD,1 Margaret A. Honein, PhD,1 Sujan C. Reddy, MD,1 John A. Jernigan, MD,1 Public Health – Seattle & King County, and CDC COVID-19 Investigation Team
    MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020 Apr 3; 69(13): 377–381.
    doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6913e1
    PMCID: PMC7119514
    PMID: 32240128

    STUDY #6:
    - Wei WE LZ, Chiew CJ, Yong SE, Toh, MP, Lee VJ. Presymptomatic Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 — Singapore, January 23–March 16, 2020
    Wycliffe E. Wei, MPH1,2; Zongbin Li, MBBS1; Calvin J. Chiew, MPH1; Sarah E. Yong, MMed1; Matthias P. Toh, MMed2,3; Vernon J. Lee, PhD1,3
    Weekly / April 10, 2020 / 69(14);411–415
    PMID: 32271722
    PMCID: PMC7147908
    DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6914e1

    STUDY #7:
    - Li R, Pei S, Chen B, et al. Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2)
    Ruiyun Li1*, Sen Pei2*†, Bin Chen3*, Yimeng Song4, Tao Zhang5, Wan Yang6, Jeffrey Shaman2†
    Cite as: R. Li et al., Science 10.1126/science.abb3221 (2020).

    5. Disposable as well as reusable masks are meant for very short term use and must be washed or replaced very often.
    Otherwise the mask gets wet and clogged, preventing breathing.

    6. OSHA defines an oxygen deficient atmosphere as one that contains less than 19.5% Oxygen and oxygen.
    While wearing a mask an oxygen deficient breathing atmosphere is created within the mask within SECONDS.

    - Testing Oxygen Levels Under A Mask w/ an OSHA Air Quality Monitor

    - No evidence is provided by the CDC to support their claims that C02 poisoning can occur while wearing masks
    yet they DO admit that masks are not meant to filter air and SHOULD NOT BE WORN FOR EXTENDED TIMES.

    7. This has many detrimental effects on the health and well-being (physical & psychological) of anyone wearing a mask for any length of time.
    The body begins to intake and process CO2 almost immediately.
    Reports from employees and the general public are shortness of breath, light-headedness, headaches and other ailments.
    Unless designated for NBC (Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical agents) even respirators cannot protect a person from a virus.
    General respirators – even with HEPA – filter out particles DOWN TO 0.3 microns in size.
    Viruses go UP TO 0.1 microns in size.

    - Particulate Respirators
    The commonly known “N-95” filtering facepiece, these respirators only protect against particles.
    They do not protect against chemicals, gases, or vapors, and are intended only for low hazard levels.
    CDC - The National Personal Protective Technology Labratory (NPPTL)

    8. Unless properly fitted to a clean shaven face, masks won’t filter the air being breathed in.
    Air will take the path of least resistance at any point around the edges of the mask not perfectly form fitted to the face resulting in no air filtration.
    Inversely, a cough or sneeze by a person wearing a mask will use the path of least resistance to get out of the mask. Negating any potential, perceived gain.

    9. The prescribing of mask wearing for medical purposes should only be done by that person’s physician.
    - The respiratory protection standard, at [29 CFR 1910.134(c)(1)(ii), paragraph 1910.134(e)], requires
    that a physician determine the health and physical conditions necessary for an employee in order to physically perform the work while wearing a respirator.

    10. According to the numbers posted at the Oregon Health Authority as of July 15th 2020, the chance of death from COVID-19 in the state of Oregon is 0.00574%
    According to the same numbers from the same source the chance in Oregon of being hospitalized IF you catch COVID-19 is 11.07%. That’s a 90% chance that
    - (updated and more in depth on July 23, 2020)

    The wearing of masks is unhealthy and unnecessary therefore making it unethical, even immoral.
    The fact that no elected official in the united states has the power to mandate masks nor any other type of medical device makes giving the perception of a “mandate” illegal and a violation of federal Colour of Law prohibitions.
    This law provides for very steep criminal penalties for anyone engaging in colour of law or supporting the implementation thereof. This is , of course, beyond the civil penalties, fines, and exposure to civil liability from employees.
    Even If COVID-19 were as deadly as the horribly mistaken guidance has been, mask mandating is completely out of the legal authority even up to the President. This is why he hasn’t and will not mandate masks nor “social distancing”.
    As we know the death rate and even likelihood that one will catch COVID-19 is abysmally low, there are no reasons why any exceptions should be taken to overlook all know medical science in regards to masks, etc.

    Beyond all of this, there is no reasonable explanation for the "mandated" use of masks, nor any other measures based on the numbers provided to us by our tax dollars.

    The “social engineering” module presented by KnowBe4/Kevin Mitnick should be applied to this scenario.
    “Any information that pulls at your heart strings and/or request you take unusual action without verifying what you have been told is the first HUGE red flag”. Paraphrase, of course.
    Social engineering has been practically applied for generations prior to the invention of computer tech.

    The HIPAA Privacy Rule



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    Have a great day, World!

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    LibertyVibe 5 years ago

    My friend, I'm here for you. You let me know if you need me to pick anything up for you. I'm not too far from you.

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 5 years ago

    You will want to SECURE YOUR Digits…

    As much as I share the TRUE Knowledge of where we are, what we are, and how Purgatory will be Purgatory, the many have committed to TRUST the People they Employ known as THE GOVERNMENT – The Religions – The CORPORATIONS… It seems no matter how much I REPEAT the Words Purgatory, Celestial Sphere, and EVIL SPIRITS [in the minds] #QANON /_\ of the Weak and the Woeful, we whom are Pak-Toe are the Only ROMANTIC WARRIORS {too remain} +=+ at this END OF AN AGE……., and since the People want to be INJECTED with Dangerous Chemicals known as the (COVID19) Bill GATES OF HELL “Vaccines” [{**}] by Trump and Putin and XI, then they are all Tyrants……, and WE THE PEOPLE will have done to we what [has happened] Q to all the Protesters in HONG KONG, and that is “U.N. Troops” will kill we the people just as the U.N. FLAG of Communist China {has murdered} / * \ all them that wanted DEMOCRACY in the Republic of COMMUNIST China…

    Too all whom know these Human Bodies of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones are but only TEMPORARY Machines at best that hold our Spirits, our Symbiots, our SOLIDS, and Our Person, you do know that it is the [EVIL SPIRITS] [{*}] in the minds of your RELIGIOUS ELDERS whom say: Bow down to the “U.S. FLAG” the World Police of the U.N. FLAG….., and let them INJECT you with Toxic Substances approved by the WHO of the CDC where the {United Nations} /-\ Building CORPORATION Resides at the U.S. FLAG OCCUPIED State called NEW YORK that is “Occupied” by U.N. Troops known as The FREE MASON (U.S. FLAG) be they THE Local C.O.P.S. G4S International Paramilitary.…, or just them PEACEKEEPER TROOPS of the WORLD POLICE known as The PATRIOTS of the “U.N. FLAG” called The Flag of the USA…

    Now I do not need to go into DETAIL about how every “U.N. FLAG” is faking space..., and we all know (COVID19) is A lie.., and a CORPORATION MONOPOLY on the “FAKE CURE” that will make every one of us give up OUR “Children” to be ABUSED by WE THE PEOPLE cause we the people are THE GOVERNMENTS of these U.N. FLAGS., but “we the people” do not care to Kill and Murder all these Military Men……., and Wombmen for doing SEDITION – High Treason – Treachery, and it may quite well be the PEOPLE can not REVOLT cause they are only “Q- Pieces” in THE GAME that we all see in this “Virtual Reality” WAKING Walking Dream when we arise from all our HOLOGRAPHIC Dreams when we get out of bed…….., or after taking a nap in THE GREAT WORK Known as our CELESTIAL SPHERE “Simulation” place of Redemption, Reconsideration, and Reconciliation…

    Theretofore……..., just know EVERYTHING “in this place” is a LIE from the Books to the Magazines to all them shows on the TV SCREENS, and many “will die” in the next GREAT NUCLEAR HYDROGEN WAR of 1853 to 1854 where the MUD FLOODS, and The Cataclysm, and all sorts of REVELATION to the Genesis “Racka” from MATHEW 5 can, and WILL happen in a Virtual Realty CONSTRUCT, and in that, you will want to secure your SAVINGS in “Digital Holdings” that are Not BANKS cause once we are made CASHLESS.?.?.?, then all them that “had jobs” at Brick and Mortar BANKS will be [out of work] for there will be no more Cash or Coins to put into The Banking Cartels of Pirates, Thieves, and Their Religions, so ONE might as well be like {the wombman} in the NEW TESTAMENT who threw away her LAST TWO CENTS “at them” who betrayed her to these UNITED NATIONS FLAGS….

    Johnny Exodice

    Do NOT blame one another for the END OF TIME in the Year 2094 C.E. for since this place is NOT REAL, then it will just RESET – RESET – RESET, and we will live our same Damn LIVES “over and over” in the MINUET for all time in this THE GREAT WORK known as PURGATORY…

    YOU Should be “Very” INTROSPECTIVE of every TV Show you watch, for them [Shows] Q are your Actual Prison too BE LIKE THEM, Talk Like Them, and Act like them… The BOOK OF ACTS…

    THE EARTH IS FLAT and these ROBOTS of “The Game” just lie about everything…..

    WEATHER WEAPONS of HAARP – DARPA – Ratheon, and NASA to name just a few will in crease in this ALL OUT “WAR GAMES” of the U.N. FLAGS...

    P.S. Don’t Kill YOUR Self for that is what these EVIL SPIRITS want that CONTROL THE GAME, find people like you, and read them Books I have made “free to any” whom do not FEAR Knowledge...

    The Sentinel…


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