INTERVIEW Dr. Robert Malone on the COVID vaccine, trucker convoys and WEF
This week Dr. Malone visited the U.S. trucker convoy, voicing his support for the movement and explaining how the truckers, not the government’s medical experts, have science on their side.
DISCLAIMER: Now days we can’t find the truth. Everyone is spinning, lying, giving disinfo, you name it, so all I can do is give you info I have found that is interesting and it’s up to you to decide if you want to believe it or not. We must take in all kinds of info and be discerning about it because we don’t know what is true...we don’t want to throw out something that might be true even tho we thought it wasn’t. Just do your own research and be discerning.
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Linda Kirby
PO Box 366
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Anyone claiming that ivermectin does not work against covid and flu like symptoms are either working for big pharma or doesn't know what he/she is talking about. It has been proven by so many scientists in universities that IVM works curing and preventing what is so called covid19 aka flu. I see people sometimes saying that they overcomed covid in 2-3 days with natural remedies and don't need any drug. While they are right about using natural remedies and healthy living style, we have elderly and immune deficient loved ones in our circle. That is when this drug accelerates the recovery process. I recommend everyone to get it because these big pharma shills have undertaken as a duty to kill us