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McAllister TV
McAllister TV - 2,473 Vues
2,473 Vues
Publié le 06 Oct 2022 / Dans

Hi Guys! I just wanted to let you all know that we are still alive...although we were hit hard. I'll have more on this later...but sincerely want to thank all of you who left me messages and have been asking about Truman and myself.

I truly did not know if we were going to make it.

LOVE TO YOU ALL...Stay tuned...

Linda and Trummy

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35 commentaires sort Trier par

Charmedddeb28 2 années depuis

Much love to you both ?❤️

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Yosiah 2 années depuis

Adorable Linda come up here 2 cleveland Ohio with So far BLITN .

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Yosiah 2 années depuis

What Is the Measure of My Days?
Psa 39:1  (1-2) For the Pure and Shining One. A song of praising, by King David. Here’s my life motto, the truth I live by: I will guard my ways for all my days. I will speak only what is right, guarding what I speak. Like a watchman guards against an attack of the enemy, I’ll guard and muzzle my mouth when the wicked are around me. I will remain silent and will not grumble or speak out of my disappointment. But the longer I’m silent the more my pain grows worse! 
Psa 39:3  (3-4) My heart burned with a fire within me, and my thoughts eventually boiled over until they finally came rolling out of my mouth. “Lord, help me to know how fleeting my time on earth is. Help me to know how limited is my life and that I’m only here but for a moment more. 
Psa 39:5  What a brief time you’ve given me to live! Compared to you my lifetime is nothing at all! Nothing more than a puff of air, I’m gone so swiftly. So too are the grandest of men; they are nothing but a fleeting shadow!” Pause in his presence 
Psa 39:6  We live our lives like those living in shadows. All our activities and energies are spent for things that pass away. We gather, we hoard, we cling to our things, only to leave them all behind for who knows who. 
Psa 39:7  And now, God, I’m left with one conclusion: my only hope is to hope in you alone! 
Psa 39:8  Save me from being overpowered by my sin; don’t make me a disgrace before the degenerate. 
Psa 39:9  Lord, I’m left speechless and I have no excuse, so I’ll not complain any longer. Now I know you’re the one who is behind it all. 
Psa 39:10  But I can’t take it much longer. Spare me these blows from your discipline-rod. For if you are against me, I will waste away to nothing. 
Psa 39:11  No one endures when you rebuke and discipline us for our sins. Like a cobweb is swept away with a wave of the hand, you sweep away all that we once called dear. How fleeting and frail our lives! We’re nothing more than a puff of air. Pause in his presence 
Psa 39:12  Lord, listen to all my tender cries. Read my every tear, like liquid words that plead for your help. I feel all alone at times, like a stranger to you, passing through this life just like all those before me. 
Psa 39:13  Don’t let me die without restoring joy and gladness to my soul. May your frown over my failure become a smile over my success. 

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rabbitone333 2 années depuis upload.......part a upload.......part b.

UGETUBE - if not CENSORSHIP - please explain this proof....same TECH problem appear again ???

NR.5 - important updates regarding latest CHECKMATES and DOUBLE AGENTS from ALTERNATIVE MEDIA !

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scannermandan121 2 années depuis

I am so relieved that you are safe. It would appear that you are loved. :-)

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