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In 1929 Free People "Lost the Farm " NOW???

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 645 Vues
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Publié le 15 Apr 2020 / Dans

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 années depuis  

Commander, what are we to do, FEMA and HOMELAND SECURITY and all their “U.N. Troops” in Plain Clothes / * \ are shutting down our FARMS and “poisoning” our WATER Supplies, so we all die in our homes [{**}] when we take A shower, or cook food with this “Tainted” Arsenic Water????? As I showed you in Goleta, Santa Barabara, Fort Lauderdale and “any place you see” these signs of RECYCLED WATER means COVID 19 the new {MILITARY TERM} for JADE HELM 15 pumped sleeping gas into the drains “of sinks” and bathtubs and killed all them people as they slept, as The FREE MASON “Lodge Members” all got the App on their CELL PHONES that told them to {Cover your Drains} +=+ for they are going to pump the Chlorine and Mustard Gas [{*}] into the SEWERS from 2AM to 4AM….. I have “no idea” why you are not joining we {The Society of nonmason} too kill all these Traitors in the U.S. Military and the National to Coast Guard to any City – Local – State to Country C.O.P.S. whom raise a WEAPON at you when “these people” in their COSTUMES are to be our {Fellow Citizens} whether we live in Africa, Asia, Europe, these Americas to even them [2 Continents] LEFT OFF the UNITED NATIONS W.H.O. International Mafia FLAT EARTH WORLD DOMINATION MAP!!! That said, make sure you [keep your drains] +=+ covered with good plugs, or wet rags, so THE GAS does not “kill you” as FEMA NATIONAL GUARD “FREE MASON” Goons and Cucks and Slags and Pukes come “door to door” to TAKE YOU AWAY from your Wives and Husbands and Children…. I told you to stay in your Houses [with Groups] of 10 or more….., and share the right to KILL THESE [U.N. Troops] in the U.S. Military to your “Local Police” UNIFORMS as TRAITORS doing their “dastardly deeds” hidden in your POLICE Costumes and MILITARY UNIFORMS given Fake “National I.D.” by the DMV that works for HOMELAND SECURITY!!!! What must I do before you “Spineless People” get out of your houses, and EVERYONE OPEN CARRY and you “Re Open” all your Bars, Stores, and Grocery, and we just grow and make shit {LOCAL} and sell County to County, City to City and if our 50 STATES Betray our 50 FLAGS and 50 Constitutions.?.?.?.?.?, then we SHOOT THEM DEAD as the New Wine Skins “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…. Do not let these OLD WINE SKINS murder you my people` Remember “all land” can grow CATTLE and Chickens and other MEAT Product, so do not let FEMA aka this [NEW NORMAL] +=+ {U.S. FLAG} tell you too destroy your RIGHT to live….., and feed “Your People” and Your Communities, and You Best STEAL “them weapons” from the POLICE ARMORIES before they are used against YOU {if your Police} have all “Betrayed” and Abandoned you!!!!

KNOW THIS!!!! What good is MONEY if you cannot SPEND IT.?.?.?.?.? We are the 50 STATES FOR AMERICA and we can {Grow Food} and make Drink, and “Smokes” and all the Technology “from Cars” to our own god dammed RADIO STATION SHOWS “even under” our old STATE FLAGS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS` for all “additional” Ordinances and LAWS [are illegal] under our STATES CONSTITUTIONS!!!!

Only Your “National Country” CONSTITUTION is to be THE ONLY LAW, not this WAR ON DRUGS of the “United Nations” international mafia, as they use DRUGS to now {kill us all} with Vaccines and Medication…

Think with your BRAINS my people!!!! The Animals, Sea Life, and Fowl to even the “Creepy Crawlies” DO NOT NEED Medication or VACCINES……., and {they are healthy} LIFE FORMS because they do not “PARTICIPATE” in this MONEY MONEY MONEY while Companies Destroy OUR MILK.?.?.?, and OUR CROPS.?.?.?, cause THEY SAY no one “wants it” cause NO ONE will buy it.?.?.?.? What of your [City Mayor] too YOUR City Marshall won’t “you guys” BUY IT, so we your EMPLOYERS your Fellow CITIZENS do not starve.?.?.?.? Cause Some One is gonna have to fucking STEP Up if they are ALL IN ON IT!!!!!!!!

Now since MONEY is useless as the {FEMA COVID 19} and these [EUGENICS 5G] Towers are now Powered and Killing us all….., you “would do well” too buy PRO-PAIN Tanks and Bar-B-Q…., so you can cook and HEAT Water for “hot Baths” when these U.N. Troops turn off your city and county POWER STATIONS…….., and all INTERNET and {CELL PHONES} are shut down…..., and you can place them Propane Tanks in “Locations” to SHOOT and Blow Them Up when FEMA [FREE MASON] / * \ Backwards Patches U.S. FLAG “GOONS” show up no matter what COSTUMES “They wear” from National to Military to “Plain Clothes” Trouble Makers!!!!

P.S. Hiding a PORTA-POTTY outside is “a good idea” cause if the POWER is down, you can not Flush your shit and piss….., and you do not want “Piss and Shit” stinking up your Abodes….., and Sanctuaries!!!!

THE CATACLYSM “days of Noah” MUD FLOODS have always been GROUND BASED Technology Mechanization, so them 5G Towers – WIND FARMS – Solar Stations are causing all the MADNESS, so TURN THEM OFF, or Destroy Them for this “is their doing” and WE HUMANS do not bow down to “Incubus and Succubus” in our Human Bodies in this REALM……., or any other!!!! And keep your LOCAL Radio on for what is “ACTUALLY” happening at your Locations….., and DO NOT go to any Hospitals……., just use the Local Doctors {whom allow} Walk in for ANY and All Emergencies….

P.S.S. Oh Yeah, the 70’s Radio App with {Station 104} is our Resistance [RAG TAG] Rebellion Radio Stations for our Phones while we can “still access” COMMUNICATIONS… And you can use your EMPTY Beer “Glass Bottles” to make Fire Bombs called Molotov “Cocktails” using Gasoline, Diesel, and Alcohol!!!!

WE ARE Pak-Toe!!!! we don’t do Racka….. WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!!! The Society of nonmason~

The Commander~


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