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    Mary Tanasy
    Mary Tanasy - 752 Bekeken
    752 Bekeken
    gepubliceerd op 08 Nov 2021 / In Film en Animatie

    From: Omega Watchman
    The true elect are those that are new creatures, believe ALL of God's word, and are faithfully watching for His return with their lamps full. Not those that consider themselves elect but then preach a compromised message in order to tickle the ear of their church members, telling them what they want to hear, instead of what they need to hear. They are the ones that have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof. They believe in the mandates of man, instead of the living Word. They are the ones that seek to save their lives and will lose it. They are the ones that obey wicked mandates, instead of being like all of God's kids and never bowing down to earth but rather God alone. They have a form of Godliness but deny the power. The take wicked vaccines controlling buying and selling, instead of believing in the power of God, that no sickness will come near out dwelling, that we do not fear the shadow of death, and that we are accounted worthy to escape these things to come. They believe in what they can do and what this earth tells them, instead of God's power, protection, and grace. They are the preachers that tell those that willing took this mandate, that they are still saved, when in fact God's word says I never knew you. They are the ones in Matthew 25 with their lamps empty, thinking with the works of their hands, and not the power of God, that they can go buy oil and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only to be told by God that He never knew you. Why, because you think you know everything, you think you are saved by works alone, you think this mandate will save you and return you to buying and selling, when God's word says He never knew you and not to take part in anything controlling your buying and selling. They are the ones that compromise God's word to fit your backsliding and to make excuses for openly defying God. Anybody that takes this mandate and thinks they are saved, is in a strong delusion. Anyone that teaches you are still saved, instead of never saved, if they took this mandate, is a false prophet. You either believe that no sickness will come near your dwelling, that no weapon will prosper, and you believe in the entire healing and protection of God, or you believe in your own works and the lies and deceptions of men. If you took this mandate knowingly, you were never saved, your lamps are empty, you deny the power, and God will tell you in that hour that He NEVER knew you. Yes that means you false teachers that are saying take the mandate and if you did you are still saved. Remember you tell God you preached in His name, and He says again, I never knew you.

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    2 Comments sort Sorteer op

    JL Hammond
    JL Hammond 3 jaar geleden

    I have wondered, myself, how so many who call themselves christian could and HAVE willingly and eagerly taken the jab. My own former pastors and other area pastors have had it/them. People I've gone to church with just follow them and get jabbed, and eagerly await the "boosters". When I heard of the mask mandate, I said very firmly, "NO! I WILL NOT live in fear. God is my shield of protection and I'm not doing it!" Even moreso, I refuse to let anybody jab me or shove a stick up my nose. It has caused me difficulty but so be it.

    I believe the jab is NOT the mark, but its poisons are prepping the body to interact with the two component mark. Its design is a subdermal implant and a surface tattoo, invisible unless scanned. It is already created to replace the paper proof of being jabbed. Ive seen them and a well-known company had developed it. It will control EVERYTHING about you, including income, what you access, buy, sell and receive as gifts. Once that implant is done to as many as will (eagerly) allow it, the electronic surveillance system that is connected to that mark will be activated. It's then that we who know our bridegroom may be hunted down or taken to safety by Jesus.

    Many of these people that I've gathered on Sundays with think I'm selfish - and crazy paranoid. But I know better. God is my master. Not them. I'm ready to be with my Lord, Jesus.

    Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
    LLLaman 3 jaar geleden

    AMEN ! AMEN !!! AMEN !!!!

    Antwoord   thumb_up 1   thumb_down 0
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