If you're not careful, your YouTube Channel can be come a bottomless money pit, like mine, lol.
If you're not careful, your YouTube Channel can be come a bottomless money pit, like mine, lol. Gun Channel Transparency Part 2.
Timmy at Boyer Ranch, Guns, Cats, and Rants. https://youtube.com/user/timmybmn
Check out Callaway Ballistics For Ammo https://callawayballistics.com/
November Knife Giveaway https://youtu.be/KBGr5WXTJR0
Glock 19 Giveaway https://youtu.be/GGBjYCa3gjU
Email rustyelsea123@gmail.com
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Subbed you here on UGETube. I've never put money into my Youtube channel. I do gaming, not guns but I still see where you're coming from. For me, doing videos is a hobby but for some it's a source of income, and the things Youtube is doing is wrong. My problems with them is their blatant censoring of free speech and not allowing people who think differently to express their opinions. Those opposing opinions count as 'violations' of their ToS yet they say 'Broadcast yourself.' The holders of those differing views are de-monetized, shadow banned or get their videos or channels deleted. I've since stopped uploading there because there's no point if you won't be heard. UGETube may be smaller and nowhere near as popular but at least they let everyone have their say on just about any subject. Sorry for the long winded comment. It just irks me what Youtube gets away with these days.

youtube is not know for treating the little guy well ... feel your pain have a good weekend brother