Binding of the Strong Man - Satan Cast Into the Bottomless Pit
The binding of Satan in the bottomless pit is pictured in the Leviticus 16 ritual of casting the Azazel goat into the wilderness. He is the strong man who must be bound before his house may be plundered.
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In the present age Satan has been allowed access to humanity. He has used that access to undermine and interfere with human being's development into fully spirit born children of God. Humans are guilty of allowing Satan's influence to lead them into disobedience towards God... but Satan' guilt is unique... it is not shared with any other... no one led him astray... His rebellion against God was of his own imagination.
When Jesus Christ returns to administer the rule of God on earth His first executive action is to depose Satan and confine him so that he has no ability to access or influence humanity for 1,000 years. The source of deception and evil thinking will be removed and the earth will experience what it is like to live without Satan for that 1,000 years.
That removal of Satan is pictured by the 5th biblical festival, the Day of Atonement.
Leviticus 16:20-22 On the day of Atonement the Azazel goat is cast out into the wilderness carrying the sins of the nation of Israel on its head... this is a prophecy of a future moment in history when Satan will be seized by the angelic servants of God, bound, cast into a bottomless pit, and sealed in Isaiah 27:1.
Satan’s role in introducing sin into our world will be addressed. The strong man will be bound.
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