Human meat at McDonalds.
In Oklahoma city, a Mcdonald’s meat Factory was discovered to have horse meat, “pink slime”, and then discovered to have human meat. Children meat as well.
USDA conducted an inspection nationwide on all factories and found that 90% of all factories in the nation had human meat processing through their factories to be shipped to store to be sold and eaten.
Production was seized by government.

I would rather eat a rat than to ingest "food" from McDonalds. Usually the only reason I go in their is to take a shit.

Side note: " No president may have been more known for his love of McDonald’s than Bill Clinton – especially Big Macs. While campaigning for president in 1992, he would complete morning jogs with a visit to the Golden Arches. The occurrence was so prevalent that “Saturday Night Live” .

Cool. people are eating the dead covid patients from chinar. hey chinar got to make a profit some how.
If you were eating at places like this even if it wasn't human meat then you were killing yourself anyway.
Eating processed foods are shaving time off your life. No Nutritional Value in processed foods.

Yuk yuk yuk. The human meat which I believe is where I get weird looks when I mention the story. My dog who ate anything would not eat chicken McNuggets about 30 yrs ago. I ate only the yogurt and egg biscuit if I ate anything. I refuse to go there and won’t eat anything.
That’s where the bodies go after the harvest the organs and the blood. Sick bastards.