HR3: Leftists Freak Out After Joe Rogan Says Healthy, Young People Don’t Need Covid-19 Vaccine
The American Journal (Hour 3) - Commercial Free - 4-28-21
“If you're like 21-years-old, and you say to me, should I get vaccinated? I'll go no.”
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biden are pedonazi porn stars thanks to wray footage
broadcasted on apple tunes
hiring mueller from fbi and google

fbi would like to spy americans with gestapo and buckingham to avoid needful shutdown
so they need lawyer to get covered while despising america, freedom and justice

dalai lama claims that wray is tillerson son
not cop, but lawyer from exxon covering fbi infringing laws

funny to watch biden, blythe, w, rodham, blair, dalai lama behind wray blaming giuliani to corrupt biden
meanwhile covering apple and google hacking biden with fbi blaming ccp

natali and hunter are pôrn stars now thanks to apple and google broadcast
dalai lama is watching