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steven aponte

Howard the Duck & CERN Part 2: Demons!

Brandon Nighthawk
Brandon Nighthawk - 935 Views
Published on 28 Sep 2023 / In Film and Animation

In one the classic movies of My childhood, Marvel's & George Lucas 1986 film has major predictive programming! It has the Laser Spectroscope is actually a version of CERN! It brings Howard the Duck down to Earth whom is an alien, anthropomorphic duckoid from another galaxy, it also brings other creatures from other dimensions to Earth as well. This is what CERN has been doing and is majorly performing these experiments as I speak whish is horrible! See My Geordie Rose video for even more about this! There is a lot to see in this video. In this video when Dr. Jennings is completely taken over by the entity. Notice its similar like a virus assimilating a host and that he conscience is gone much like a Vril Lizard does to a human host. Also he talks about the universe and that he's from a region of Demons! George Lucas knows all of this stuff and shows it in cryptic & twisted ways. Notice The Dark Overlord is like Sith or Jedi from Star Wars with such power as well. The music by John Barry makes this work so wonderfully. Be sure to checkout part 1 & 3!

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steven aponte