When public schools have demons…😧 #bible #supernatural #jesus #endtimes #demons #lastdays
When public schools have demons…😧 #bible #supernatural #jesus #endtimes #demons #lastdays
I don't think those are public schools.
I think they are private schools - the same uniforms/ outfits.
Or Satanic communities - Like Sandy Hook. Many ss eye aaa ppl lived there, many of them are into it. The rest of the town had their homes paid off (check the records - how many had bought their homes within 3 yrs beforehand, & on Christmas day, when the recording office was closed, the books reflected every home in the community was paid off, even payments to the town for empty lots) to keep their mouths shut forever.
If it IS public schools? Parents had better start popping unexpectedly. If A PUBLIC school doesn't allow that? Pull the kid out. immediately.