How to Print and Bind Manga Book or Comic at Home on your Own Printer - Manga Printing Tutorial
Reupload from youtuber Anime Nyan This is a full tutorial on how to print and bind manga on your own printer at home using a double fan binding.
Right to Left Indesign script:
**Note:** Will not work from iPhones or iPads. Only works for Desktops and Discord account age must be 18+
Full credit goes to the tutorials by others which I stole for this tutorial here:
DAS Bookbinding for the double fan binding:
Mostafa Naser for Adobe Indesign: and
Sebastiaan Mathôt for how to bind the cover:
Just a Printer on how to make the Cover in Indesign:
This video is under the creative commons zero license.
00:00 - 1. Introduction
00:06 - 1a. Final product preview
00:22 - 1b. Required materials
01:29 - 1c. Timestamps
01:38 - 2. Downloading manga
07:25 - 3. Creating manga contents in Indesign
22:46 - 3a. Creating double page spreads
27:00 - 3b. Continue adding images in Indesign
40:16 - 3c. Change book right to left script
45:52 - 4. Print manga contents
46:15 - 4a. Export settings for manga contents
49:26 - 4b. Print settings for manga contents
51:47 - 4c. Monitoring the printing
01:02:57 - 4d. How to restart printing
01:03:47 - 5. Reprinting misprints
01:05:43 - 5a. Manually printing misprints
01:11:13 - 6. Cutting the manga pages
01:27:33 - 7. Sanding down the spine
01:35:45 - 8. Gluing the spine together
01:49:56 - 9. Creating the book cover
01:50:02 - 9a. Diagram of book cover
01:53:34 - 9b. Creating the manga cover in Indesign
02:10:07 - 9c. Export settings for the manga cover
02:11:13 - 9d. Printing the manga cover
02:13:51 - 10. Cutting and folding the manga cover
02:26:06 - 11. Gluing the cover onto the manga
02:39:06 - 12. The final result