How LGBT Indoctrination Is Making The Gay Version Of Hitler Youth.mp4
The Cult of the LGBT+ is at it again. Now it seems like they want polyamory and sexual relations with your children. To do that, they are indoctrinating and brainwashing them from a very early age. It's what every evil cult does, even the cult of Nazism back in the day.
I reply to user hamburg you are ignorant, you confuse some things that do not make sense. Hitler fought against everything that you currently don't like.
transpolitic parthenogenesis : hitler disguised as elizabeth self inseminating to reproduce itself
mi6 transfuge and transfugenre
You have to be ignorant to make this comparison. Who fought against Jewish cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt school? Who said that behind the political parties there was a shadow power that controlled them? Who put the Rothschilds in jail and persecuted them? Who was against feminism? Who went against the Kalergi plan? Who was against Jewish communism? Who said that an elite wanted to create a world government (internationalist or so-called globalists) that would go against the Jewish-led Marxist republic of Weimar? Who was against this false financial system that lends 9 times more than they have? Who persecuted Freemasonry? Who converted a nation that was in misery, the first world power, in less than 6 years, who was it? His name is called Adolf Hitler. And you have to be miserable to mix Hitler with this shitty video. Everything you don't like about today's society is precisely what the Germans fought against and, of course, they had to organize against an enemy that was and was organized. Or how do you think this is in cartoons? The United States of Israel alone, administered by the Jewish Federal Reserve in 1913 and the ADL and Aipac in 1963, has 30 million deaths on behalf of Israel and its other creation, communism, more than 100 million and more than 80 wars later. . of the second world war. And all the nations indebted by the puppet politicians in the service of the international Jewish Zionist. You have to be unworthy not to acknowledge this. If you have dignity, delete this video garbage.