Trump Makes A Huge Agenda For 2025 (Ep 2369 - 11122024 Bongino).mp4
Trump has lots of public support.
Here are some of the proposed changes towards making A-Meri-Ca great again.
{ Note: Ancient Egyptian "A-Meri-Ca" means "To the Pyramid with the soul"... and on the back of the US debt-dollar is A.i. mind-uploading Lucifer on top of the Khufu Power Plant Pyramid.
The secret societies are keeping NWO secrets from the sheeple.}
These are Trump's fellow Mystery School Initiates that he is job-cutting from universities and education system.
Likely, this is because the A.i. Tower-Of-Babel for the NWO-takeover has now been rebuilt and the need for re-developing ancient technologies and maintaining the old-world facade is over.
Now, the cesspool of secret Masonic/communists hiding within government positions are finding new positions within their NWO-takeover.

Thank you President Trump. In University I was forced to put up with Marxist Professors Far back as 1972-1976. Thank God it's over.