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How is This a Thing? 11th of November 2020

Peter Athanasius
Peter Athanasius - 287 Views
Published on 13 Nov 2020 / In Film and Animation

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Peter Athanasius
Peter Athanasius 3 years ago  

00:00 time now for another episode of how is
00:02 this a thing and boy do we have a lot to
00:04 get through today we begin with this
00:06 article from bloomberg
00:07 liverpool's mass covet testing could be
00:10 a game changer
00:11 boris johnson's claims about antigen
00:14 tests
00:14 aren't entirely hype but they need to be
00:18 folded
00:18 into a stronger program of contact
00:21 tracing and
00:22 isolation as carl vernon recently
00:25 pointed out
00:26 it looks like liverpool is being
00:27 targeted first in the uk because it may
00:30 be considered the toughest nut to crack
00:32 perhaps
00:33 liverpudlians are considered likely to
00:35 provide the greatest resistance to the
00:37 authoritarian measures in the uk
00:39 though testing is not mandatory per se
00:42 not yet anyway
00:43 it is nevertheless a first step in
00:45 making it so and
00:46 as we've already seen in slovakia where
00:48 testing is mandatory the plan could be
00:50 to make it so that people have to
00:52 self-isolate for a period of time if
00:54 they refuse the test
00:55 or if they produce a positive pcr test
00:57 regardless as to whether they have
00:59 symptoms or not
01:00 once again healthy people being placed
01:02 under house arrest
01:03 ultimately the virus situation is not
01:05 meant to be gotten under control
01:07 none of the so-called control measures
01:09 like social distancing
01:12 reducing personal contacts working from
01:14 home
01:15 mandatory masks washing of hands closing
01:18 businesses
01:19 nine euro meals in pubs time limits in
01:22 pubs
01:23 curfews none of these things have
01:26 stopped
01:27 european nations from going back into
01:28 second lockdowns
01:30 and they weren't supposed to as anyone
01:32 who has done an iota of research into
01:34 the great reset and the fourth
01:35 industrial revolution
01:37 what you should know by now is that the
01:38 great reset is about resetting
01:40 humanity's expectations
01:42 on every aspect of our lives the economy
01:45 the social contract how we work how we
01:48 communicate
01:49 how we socialize our standard of living
01:53 the restrictions and lockdowns are
01:54 actually simply excuses
01:57 to restrict human freedom such that
01:59 people become gradually conditioned into
02:01 living under the new abnormal
02:04 and of course these measures just so
02:06 happen to serve the interests
02:08 of the climate agenda lockdowns and
02:10 reduction of human movement
02:12 that was an excuse to redesign our
02:14 cities for example
02:15 expand walkways public transport routes
02:18 and allegedly reduce humanity's
02:20 carbon footprint globally and unless
02:23 people wake up to all of these lockdowns
02:25 being nothing more than a trojan horse
02:26 for the climate change agenda
02:28 don't expect anything to go back to
02:30 normal anytime soon
02:31 in order to meet the paris climate
02:33 change agreement the world must reduce
02:35 its carbon
02:36 footprint by 7.6 percent year on year by
02:39 2030
02:40 so life is never supposed to return to
02:41 anything approaching normality
02:43 and klaus schwab of the world economic
02:45 forum makes that very clear
02:47 when he talks about life after the great
02:49 reset
02:50 we do not want to do just patchwork on
02:53 our old system
02:54 it's not enough to change a few policies
02:57 to address short-term issues what we
03:00 need
03:02 is a change of mindsets it came out in
03:05 the discussion of business models of
03:07 lifestyles
03:09 in order to achieve a more cohesive more
03:12 collaborative
03:13 more resilient world it must be
03:17 a comprehensive approach to shape the
03:20 future
03:20 integrating all organization and people
03:23 with innovative ideas also notice how
03:26 there's no time limit given by
03:28 governments
03:28 on when mass mandates are supposed to
03:31 end or when
03:32 social distancing is supposed to be
03:33 phased out because they're not supposed
03:35 to be phased out
03:36 the public who have been hoodwinked into
03:38 believing that the vaccine will be the
03:40 magic bullet solution
03:42 just infer that life will return to
03:44 normal someday after the vaccine but
03:46 that's not supposed to be the case
03:47 and the public will be in for a very
03:49 rude awakening if they think that social
03:51 distancing and masks
03:52 are supposed to end after the vaccine
03:54 has been widely administered
03:55 social distancing and the banning of
03:57 protests as they've done in the uk where
04:00 two or more people cannot gather
04:01 together on the street
04:03 is simply about quashing dissent because
04:05 if all of humanity was to rise
04:07 the globalists behind this power grab
04:09 would be defeated very very quickly
04:11 they want to keep humanity atomized
04:14 divided
04:14 hemmed in living in isolation in fear of
04:17 each other
04:18 in order to prevent revolution you were
04:20 told it was just for two weeks to
04:22 flatten the curve
04:23 eight months later your rights
04:27 still haven't been returned to you and
04:29 there's no real end in sight is there
04:31 ask yourself outside of the mainstream
04:33 media the television newspapers radio
04:36 the social distancing signs warnings on
04:38 motorways
04:40 would you even know from your own
04:42 personal experience
04:43 that you've been living in a pandemic
04:46 who told you to shut down your business
04:47 for example
04:49 was it really necessary to all the pub
04:51 owners out there
04:53 the restaurant owners and other smes i
04:56 don't know what you're doing right now
04:57 or why you haven't twigged
04:59 that you've been conned and why you
05:01 haven't taken a case yet against the
05:03 government
05:04 did you shut down your business because
05:06 a customer walked into your premises one
05:08 day
05:09 during the height of the so-called
05:10 pandemic and they were coughing and
05:13 sneezing
05:14 and then a few days later one of your
05:15 staff got sick
05:17 and then one by one more and more of
05:20 them were bedridden at home
05:21 unable to come to work and then they
05:24 started calling you
05:25 telling you that their parents or
05:26 grandparents also contracted the virus
05:29 as it spread further and further through
05:31 the community and now
05:33 their elderly loved ones are in icus in
05:36 hospital
05:37 did that happen did they tell you about
05:39 people that they knew who had died from
05:41 it
05:42 do you know anybody who's died from it
05:43 did that happen or
05:45 did none of this happen did you shut
05:47 down your business because you saw the
05:48 pandemic with your own eyes
05:50 or did you shut down your business
05:51 because you were told to by the
05:53 government
05:54 now go and ask every other small
05:56 business owner on the same street where
05:58 your business is situated
06:00 if this was also their experience then
06:03 go and ask as many
06:04 business owners as you can if they saw
06:07 catastrophic viral outbreaks on their
06:09 premises
06:09 that forced them to close or was there
06:13 in fact
06:13 no such visible signs of an outbreak did
06:16 you all in fact
06:17 just shut down your businesses because
06:19 the government
06:20 forced you to under the penalty of fines
06:23 and prosecution
06:24 now just as a quick aside i remember
06:26 when there was a vomiting bug going
06:28 around
06:29 in an office i used to work in 10 years
06:31 ago and over the course of about a week
06:32 or two
06:33 lots of people were out sick with this
06:35 thing and i was one of them
06:37 that was just a vomiting bug but isn't
06:40 covett 19 supposed to be the new
06:42 deadly spanish flu it's strange
06:45 i don't remember hearing a single story
06:47 about any business
06:49 being forced to close because staff
06:51 members
06:52 were symptomatic extremely sick and
06:54 incapacitated by
06:56 covet 19. i know that most smes were
06:58 shut down because the government
07:00 forced them to shut down because they
07:01 claimed it was in the best interests of
07:03 the public health
07:05 i've heard plenty of stories about
07:07 businesses like meat processing plants
07:09 being shut down because staff tested
07:11 positive
07:11 for covet 19 in unreliable pcr tests
07:14 which don't prove if a staff member was
07:17 actually sick or not
07:19 on the subject of testing by getting
07:21 tested you are feeding the beast
07:23 and keeping the kstemic going more tests
07:26 equals more positive pcr results
07:28 which means more cases more scary graphs
07:31 for the media to use and therefore
07:32 more justification by governments to
07:34 introduce more lockdowns
07:36 the virus is apparently so deadly you
07:38 have to be tested to know that you have
07:39 it
07:40 and then healthy people are being told
07:41 that they're sick and in need of
07:43 quarantine and eventually vaccination
07:45 all the while actual sick people are
07:47 being denied medical treatment for their
07:49 conditions and mental health issues and
07:51 depression and suicides are soaring
07:53 what has happened to the consciousness
07:55 of the general public
07:56 that they can't see the absurdity and
07:58 inhumanity of this situation
08:00 as you know and as i've said before
08:01 universal basic income is also one of
08:03 the many goals that the elites want to
08:05 introduce
08:06 under the new communist utopia of the
08:08 great reset this article is from the
08:10 guardian
08:10 covert job losses lead mps to call for
08:13 trials of universal basic income
08:15 right on queue large cross-party group
08:18 urges government to allow councils to
08:20 run pilot schemes
08:21 yes make a huge amount of the population
08:24 unemployed
08:24 and therefore state dependent a
08:27 cross-party group of mps has called on
08:29 the government
08:30 to allow councils to run universal basic
08:32 income trials in response to mass
08:34 unemployment
08:34 triggered by the covet 19 pandemic a
08:37 letter to the councillor rishi sunak
08:39 signed by more than 500 mps lords and
08:42 local councillors
08:43 says pilot schemes are urgently needed
08:45 as the pandemic unleashes widespread
08:47 economic disruption
08:48 and drives up redundancies at the
08:50 fastest rate on record this winter
08:52 launching a ubi would mean the state
08:54 paying every adult a basic sum
08:56 regardless of their income yeah that
08:58 sounds sustainable
09:00 that doesn't sound utopian or anything
09:02 absolutely ridiculous
09:03 where is this money supposed to come
09:05 from the letter says issues with the
09:07 benefit system and the end of the
09:08 furlough scheme
09:09 mean britain is ill-equipped to support
09:12 people through the financial insecurity
09:13 of the covert recession
09:14 almost like that was the plan all along
09:17 we must trial innovative approaches
09:18 which create an income floor for
09:20 everyone
09:20 allowing our families and communities to
09:22 thrive thrive
09:24 or all be equally poor the pandemic has
09:26 shown that we urgently need to
09:28 strengthen our social security system
09:30 the creation of a universal basic income
09:32 ubi
09:32 a regular and unconditional cash payment
09:35 to every individual
09:36 in the uk could be the solution the
09:37 letter states
09:39 universal basic income is about creating
09:40 state dependency and is something that
09:42 will be tied to a vaccine
09:44 when the time comes remember no jab no
09:47 pay in australia something like that
09:48 you know them i suspect the majority of
09:50 australians will get vaccinated
09:52 and then there will be a strong public
09:54 view
09:55 that those who choose not to get
09:57 vaccinated
09:59 need to there needs to be
10:03 some sort of um in incentive stick
10:06 perhaps
10:07 um through the current programs
10:09 including no jab no pay
10:10 um to to make that happen so i think
10:14 that
10:14 is a a very reasonable interpretation of
10:17 what
10:17 the pm had to say today
10:20 again looking at specific things like
10:23 not being able to
10:24 go into restaurants not being able to
10:26 travel internationally not being
10:28 without the vaccine normal life or
10:30 something approaching normal life
10:31 becomes virtually impossible
10:33 it doesn't need to be strictly stated as
10:34 being mandatory
10:36 the government just needs to make it so
10:38 that you can't go to the shops
10:39 get on public transport hold down a job
10:42 travel or perhaps even leave your home
10:44 if you don't take the jab once the
10:46 precedent has been set
10:48 basically by agreeing to this people are
10:50 essentially
10:51 accepting that the government can
10:52 declare a so-called pandemic at any time
10:55 and then through coercion or the threat
10:57 of being ostracized from society
10:59 leave you with no other choice but to
11:01 take a substance into your body
11:03 on a regular basis forced medical
11:06 intervention
11:07 you will be admitting that you have no
11:08 bodily autonomy
11:10 ask yourself if you're going to take the
11:12 vaccine because you're actually afraid
11:13 of a virus that is less deadly than the
11:15 flu or
11:16 if you're only taking it because you've
11:18 become so demoralized and fearful
11:20 that you wish to appease the government
11:22 in the hopes
11:24 that they may give you some of your
11:25 freedom back now this is
11:27 immensely cowardly and pathetic
11:29 appeasement
11:30 of tyrants never works your freedoms
11:32 don't come from the government
11:34 you have inalienable rights and it's
11:36 high time most people realize that
11:38 our rights were never the governments to
11:40 take away from us now
11:42 moving on the following document i found
11:44 on
11:47 and its compulsory vaccination for covet
11:49 19 and human rights law
11:51 and it says introduction and summary we
11:54 are academics working in the areas of
11:56 philosophy and law with specializations
11:58 in
11:59 intra alien moral and political
12:01 philosophy biomedical ethics health law
12:03 and human rights law our submission
12:04 pertains to compulsory covenanting
12:06 vaccination
12:07 a requirement on individuals to undergo
12:09 vaccination as a condition of release
12:11 from pandemic related restrictions on
12:13 liberty including on movement and
12:15 association
12:16 in other words if the person does not
12:18 get vaccinated they can't have their
12:20 liberties back
12:22 our evidence is forward-looking we
12:23 expect that a covet-19 vaccine will
12:25 become available in sufficient quantity
12:27 to enable population-wide immunization
12:29 at that stage the government will need
12:31 to consider the means of delivery
12:32 including whether it is necessary to
12:34 legislate for compulsory vaccination
12:36 we consider the human rights law
12:38 dimensions of compulsory vaccination by
12:39 reference to the human rights act 1998
12:42 and the european convention on human
12:43 rights
12:44 as such our submission primarily
12:45 addresses a live issue
12:47 the second question in committee's call
12:49 for evidence what will the impact of
12:51 specific measures taken by government to
12:53 address the kofi 19 pandemic be on human
12:55 rights in the uk
12:56 our evidence takes the following form
12:58 one a discussion of the reasons why
13:00 compulsory vaccination may need to be
13:01 considered
13:02 number two an overview of relevant legal
13:04 provisions number three
13:06 an examination of the human rights law
13:07 compliance of compulsory vaccination
13:09 our analysis under three establishes two
13:11 parity arguments
13:13 if covet 19 lockdown measures are
13:15 compatible with human rights law
13:17 then it is arguable that compulsory
13:19 vaccination is too
13:21 how did you arrive at that conclusion
13:23 firstly lockdowns
13:24 were a total and complete and utter
13:26 infringement of human rights
13:27 and they were only made possible by
13:29 collectivist arguments about the
13:30 so-called greater good
13:32 even in an actual pandemic i'd rather
13:35 have the choice to quarantine or not
13:37 and assess the risk to myself and i
13:40 would recommend
13:40 in that situation that everybody did the
13:42 same secondly
13:44 when someone says something like then it
13:46 is arguable that compulsory vaccination
13:49 is too
13:50 the it is arguable part can always go in
13:53 the opposite direction
13:55 because it's basically subjective it is
13:57 also
13:58 arguable that a compulsory vaccine is
14:00 not compatible
14:02 with any human rights law given that it
14:04 robs an individual of their right
14:06 to bodily sovereignty it's simple okay
14:08 i'm going to break it down for you
14:09 if an individual citizen you or i do not
14:12 have the right
14:13 to restrict another human being's rights
14:16 or to coerce
14:17 or force a substance into their body
14:19 then neither does the state
14:21 if it is illegal for me to shove a
14:23 needle in someone else's arm
14:25 without their consent then it is illegal
14:27 for someone else to do it to me end of
14:30 story
14:30 any other argument is simply
14:32 justification for tyranny and oppression
14:35 it continues b if compulsory medical
14:37 treatment
14:38 under mental health law for personal and
14:40 public protection purposes
14:42 is compatible with human rights law then
14:44 it is arguable
14:45 that compulsory vaccination is too this
14:48 kind of argument concerns me a great
14:49 deal because potentially
14:51 such an argument could open up
14:53 justification for a compulsory
14:54 vaccination of someone
14:56 deemed to be mentally ill because they
14:58 won't take a vaccine
15:00 and that their refusal to do so makes
15:01 them a public health risk
15:03 i find that kind of argument quite
15:04 alarming so it goes on
15:06 our chief conclusion is that as and when
15:09 a vaccine becomes available at scale the
15:11 government
15:12 should give serious consideration to
15:13 compulsory immunization as a means of
15:15 reducing the impacts of covet 19.
15:18 there is an arguable case for the
15:20 compatibility of compulsory vaccination
15:22 with human rights law
15:24 and like i said there's an arguable case
15:26 in the opposite direction as well
15:28 number one vaccine hesitancy a covet-19
15:30 vaccine promises to be the best means to
15:32 mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on
15:34 individuals and society
15:36 yet sufficient voluntary uptake of a
15:38 vaccine cannot be guaranteed
15:40 voluntary vaccine uptake may be limited
15:42 by vaccine hesitancy
15:44 which the world health organization
15:45 describes as the reluctance or refusal
15:48 to vaccinate despite the availability of
15:50 vaccines
15:51 vaccine hesitancy in respect of covet 19
15:54 may arise because of the influence of
15:56 anti-vaccination movements
15:58 the uneven demographic distribution of
16:00 covenant morbidity
16:02 and mortality risks or the mistaken
16:04 belief that covet 19 immunity
16:06 has already been acquired huh i don't
16:08 know about you but i'm picking up a
16:10 slight bias
16:11 in this argument anyway the document is
16:13 eight pages long
16:14 and i will include it linked below for
16:16 you to read in full
16:17 now let's move on but on the subject of
16:19 vaccines recently
16:21 british prime minister boris johnson
16:23 said the following
16:24 the pfizer bioentec vaccine has been
16:27 tested on over 40 000 volunteers
16:30 and interim results suggest it is
16:32 proving 90
16:33 effective at protecting people against
16:36 the virus but we haven't yet seen
16:40 the full safety data and these findings
16:42 also
16:43 need to be peer reviewed so we've
16:46 cleared one significant hurdle
16:48 but there are several more to go before
16:51 we know the vaccine
16:52 can be used for a vaccine to be deemed
16:55 reasonably safe
16:56 it takes years not eight or nine months
16:59 to develop
17:00 draw your own conclusions as to why the
17:02 powers that be
17:03 are so adamant that the entire
17:05 population of the planet
17:07 take a hastily prepared experimental rna
17:09 vaccine for a virus
17:11 that doesn't warrant a vaccine because
17:13 it's less deadly than a flu
17:15 if you're not massively suspicious about
17:17 all of this then you're simply not using
17:19 your brain
17:20 what i can say is that if and when
17:24 this vaccine is approved we in this
17:27 country will be ready
17:28 to start using it earlier this year the
17:31 uk government
17:32 ordered 40 million doses of the pfizer
17:35 vaccine enough for about a third of the
17:36 population since you need
17:38 two doses each and there you go he just
17:41 drops that in there
17:43 you need two doses apparently because
17:45 even though they don't know much about
17:47 this virus
17:48 not only can they develop a vaccine
17:49 against it but they also know that you
17:51 need two doses of the vaccine
17:53 or as klaus schwab of the world economic
17:56 forum said
17:57 about the vaccine itself we don't know
18:00 yet
18:01 for example is one dose sufficient
18:06 do you need two doses in what interval
18:10 do you have even to do be vaccinated
18:14 every year um because the antibodies may
18:18 not
18:20 sustain for a long time maybe people
18:22 will need to be vaccinated every year
18:24 wow what did humanity do for tens of
18:26 thousands of years before the
18:28 pharmaceutical industry came along did
18:30 the human immune system just
18:31 stop working in 2020 now go ahead and
18:34 call me conspiratorial tin foil hat man
18:36 but i have to wonder if all of these
18:39 injections
18:40 into the human body have anything to do
18:42 with this what
18:43 what the fourth industrial evolution
18:45 will lead to
18:47 is a fusion of our physical
18:50 our digital and
18:54 our biological identities probably not
18:57 right
18:58 what could be the harm what's the worst
19:00 that could happen let's move on this
19:01 article is from the irish times
19:03 ireland to get more than two million
19:05 doses of pfizer covet vaccine if
19:07 approved
19:08 public health officials have cautiously
19:09 welcomed news that a vaccine being
19:11 developed by pfizer
19:13 could be more than 90 percent effective
19:15 while airline and hotel stocks soared on
19:17 announcement
19:18 national public health emergency team
19:20 nether members described the drug giants
19:22 announcement
19:23 based on limited data from phase 3
19:24 trials as
19:26 a good first step but said they awaited
19:28 more detailed information being
19:30 published
19:31 by the way you may have seen this letter
19:33 doing the rounds on social media
19:35 it's from broad green international
19:37 school this is a school in liverpool
19:40 in the uk and it says dear parents
19:42 carers
19:43 as you may be aware liverpool is in tier
19:45 3 covet 19
19:46 safeguarding arrangements as part of
19:49 this process
19:50 central government has identified
19:51 liverpool to pilot a new covet 19
19:53 testing system
19:54 this has been called the lateral flow
19:57 system
19:58 sites across the city are due to be
20:00 positioned across the city
20:01 in order to carry out testing i am
20:04 pleased to inform you
20:06 that we at broad green international
20:08 school are in the
20:09 privileged position of being one of the
20:11 first schools
20:12 within the city to have the testing
20:14 brought to our site
20:15 what a privilege i have met this
20:18 afternoon with representatives of the
20:19 british army
20:21 who will be in the school next week to
20:23 covert 19 to test all of our students
20:25 and staff
20:26 each child and adult will be identified
20:28 with unique barcode
20:30 to ensure personal identification of
20:32 test and subsequent
20:34 results results will be distributed to
20:36 students and staff as soon
20:38 as we are in receipt of them if positive
20:40 results are received
20:42 the school will secure the individual
20:44 concerned
20:45 and in case of students inform parents
20:48 care immediately
20:49 we will then operate our usual process
20:51 of identifying others
20:53 who may have been in close or direct
20:55 contact for our self-isolation system
20:57 will be put in place
20:58 it's not worded very well but i think
21:00 you get the point we are currently
21:02 working with public health to identify
21:04 how this pilot
21:05 might benefit school communities now and
21:07 in the future
21:08 i'm expecting that the testing at bgis
21:12 will start on monday 9th of november
21:15 under normal circumstances parental
21:17 permission is sought for the testing of
21:19 children
21:19 however under these very challenging and
21:22 unprecedented circumstances
21:25 that is not possible therefore we would
21:27 ask that if you wish to exclude your
21:29 child
21:30 from this test please do so in writing
21:32 to me
21:33 first thing on monday morning it is
21:35 important that the health of your child
21:37 those of other parents and carers and
21:39 all adults in our school
21:41 and local and wider liverpool community
21:43 that we cooperate 100 percent with the
21:45 system of health protection
21:47 barcodes for children to provide
21:49 personal identification and for test
21:50 results
21:51 and testing is by default so you have to
21:54 write to the head teacher in order to
21:56 prevent your child
21:57 from being tested you have to opt out of
22:00 it
22:00 this isn't absolutely terrifying or
22:02 anything anyway
22:04 this next article is from the deacon
22:06 herald
22:07 protests in brazil support jair
22:10 bolsonaro in anti-covet-19 vaccine
22:12 stance
22:13 small groups of protesters gathered in
22:15 brazil's two biggest cities on sunday
22:17 to demonstrate against any mandate for
22:20 the taking of a cronovirus vaccine
22:21 supporting a rejection campaign
22:23 encouraged
22:23 by president jair bolsonaro people
22:26 assembled
22:27 in downtown sao paulo calling for the
22:29 removal of sao paulo state governor
22:31 zhao doria i'm probably not pronouncing
22:33 that correctly who has said
22:35 state residents will be required to take
22:37 a vaccine
22:38 likely the one being developed by
22:40 chinese biopharmaceutical company
22:42 sinovac and the local batantan institute
22:44 doria will fall the protesters chanted
22:47 out with doria the coronavac as it is
22:49 being called
22:50 has been a prime target for skepticism
22:52 from bolsonaro and others with the
22:54 president saying brazilians will not be
22:56 guinea pigs to the chinese
22:57 the issue has become a talking point in
22:59 mayoral and city council campaigns for
23:01 elections later this month
23:03 and as most health professionals support
23:05 vaccination social media campaigns
23:06 have raised questions about possible
23:09 perils of vaccines
23:10 now just a reminder as to where all of
23:12 this is supposed to lead us
23:14 health passport apps on your phone that
23:17 prove that you're immune
23:18 and that they can also store your
23:19 vaccine status like health passport
23:22 ireland
23:23 and i've covered that before this is
23:24 supposed to be the means by which
23:26 you can move around in society otherwise
23:28 i guess you can't
23:30 as james corbett has described this kind
23:32 of thing it's like a digital population
23:34 control grid there's also another app
23:36 that's kind of similar to this and it's
23:38 for international travel
23:39 it's called common pass commonpass is a
23:43 platform that lets people
23:44 safely and securely collect their health
23:46 information whether it is a negative
23:49 covid test result or eventually a record
23:52 of a covet vaccination
23:54 manage that information control it
23:55 themselves and then
23:57 be able to let that information be used
23:59 to demonstrate that they
24:01 have had a negative test or they have
24:03 been vaccinated so they can get on an
24:04 airplane
24:05 or travel to another country well we can
24:07 only hope that more people will connect
24:09 the dots before things get
24:11 very much worse all we can do in the
24:13 meantime is try to have
24:14 civil conversations with friends and
24:16 family who will listen
24:18 share ideas and content and hope a
24:20 reasonable amount of people come to
24:22 their senses
24:23 we can't wake up everyone maybe not even
24:25 most people
24:26 but if we can just reach a sufficient
24:28 number a critical mass of the population
24:31 that could provide some decent pushback
24:33 on all of this
24:34 to conclude this video i just want to
24:36 let you know that i've recently produced
24:38 a discussion on some of the political
24:39 themes of the film the hunger games
24:41 on my second channel the dave cullen
24:43 show for those of you who are interested
24:45 in checking out that video
24:46 the link is below in the description box
24:48 and pinned to the top of the comments
24:50 head on over there and have a look
24:52 thanks very much for watching and i will
24:54 see you next time bye
25:10 you

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Rovin Robin
Rovin Robin 3 years ago

@3:00 great! listen to a German fascist...they surely know how to create a "brave new world"...for fucks sake! could someone just cancel Germany please?

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Peter Athanasius
Peter Athanasius 3 years ago

I misread your comment at first. I thought you were calling the speaker a German fascist. Then I realized the speaker had an Irish accent. You couldn't have been talking about him. OOPS!

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Rovin Robin
Rovin Robin 3 years ago

@Peter Athanasius: that's OK, happens to me at times...Dave Cullen (the Irish bloke) is an awesome guy, I like him a lot

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