How Alex Stein Became Dallas Public Enemy #1
How Alex Stein Became Dallas Public Enemy #1

Johnny Exodice
6 minutes ago
Now....., I know life is hard my Children of 11 years of Age born in 2010......, but I wanted you to see We [Older People] Qballs~ /_\ be we 99 to 33 years of Human Age were and ARE {just a Dumb} [{**}] and "Duped" and STUPID thinking Vaccines were not stealing our EYE "Colours" giving us the BLACK Goo of Mind Control called RED = OBEY!!!! White = Comply!!!
and that British Hollywood FAKE JEWS Flag of BLUE = Submit!!!!
Red, White, and Blue WE OWN YOU USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
these TV Shows and (Commercials) +=+ will tell you what to do "Debt Slave" CORPORATE Citizens of these Global Citizens of the New Testament JEWISH Gospels!!!! ha ha ha I sleep NO MORE!!!!
The Rag Tag Rebellion!!!!
#LowKARG ? ??