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Homeschool Mom Of 4 Tackled Arrested For Not Taking The COVID Shot

yellowgenius - 236 Views
Published on 14 Feb 2024 / In Health

Homeschool Mom Of 4 Tackled Arrested For Not Taking The COVID Shot

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JamesRoss 5 months ago

The government positions are filled with secret communist Freemasons and Eastern-Star traitors throughout Western Civilization.
Covid-19 is not a virus and is actually a secret military cUlt operation by the NWO to remove the non-cUlt people from remaining government jobs so that when the famine-trap is sprung ... All the government is uniform in flipping over to out-right communism from their voting, constitutional-republic.

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JamesRoss 5 months ago it is the communist takeover before the invasion. Freemasons don't need their lodges and temples anymore because they have transformed into "New Atlanteans."

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