He died in April but seemed to predict the future…. according to him there will be a need for war by Europe’s capital, so much money “knocking on the wall”and nowhere to invest. And the plan
He died in April but seemed to predict the future….
according to him there will be a need for war by Europe’s capital, so much money “knocking on the wall”and nowhere to invest. And the plan is to cause war, partial mobilization and send weapons and then restore a destroyed Europe.
Which is why Donbas is being bombed daily. To destroy Ukraine. And also Southern Europe, “it will all be in ruins”. And Germany will be the “restorer”…the Marshall plan in action.
So far some of it has happened.

usa -30 trillion $ needs marshall plan for recovering debt, as england
china will not lend one single cent to usa and europe unable to finance war hoax for saving gestapo from extinction,
impotent army in usa, england, germany, france : not even 40 000 inexperienced soldiers in each country running away to buckingham in front of vietnam, afghanistan, korea, somalia, algeria, mali, nicaragua, syria, iraq, iran ...
united nations not accrediting farce will leave them alone in front of facebook and bbc