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Has The World Gone Mad or Is It Me____low.mp4

Conscious Mind's
Conscious Mind's - 315 Vues
315 Vues
Publié le 10 Nov 2020 / Dans


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julzee2 4 années depuis

The show sure is getting good isn't it?

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 années depuis

The WORTHLESS Servant known as The U.S. Military

In these Days of Noah RETURNED where everything on TV is a Lie “Agreed” Upon by the CORPORATIONS of the UNITED NATIONS International Mafia where U.S. Military Jets spray the Skies with the TOXIC WASTE PRODUCT From all these Companies that make Happy Meals, and Tell us Whoppers of [Moon Landings] @Qball~ /_\ that Never Happened, it is quite Astounding that them whom {live off of} our TAXES and Religious DONATIONS tell We The People too Trust in God when they wrote the Bible to make us “Debt Slaves” to these FLAGS of our Nations that we had no say in being Born: under this flag or that flag, and as I watch the Fiasco called the U.S. ELECTORAL where Companies “pick” the PRESIDENT not PEOPLE and their Popular Vote, you would think the Public Would Catch on’ that We The People have been lied to since the Day we were born, and all this WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against The RULE of LAW and ORDER…

If you are young, and do not know that U.S. Military WEAPONS are made by U.S. Companies that FLY that U.S. FLAG, and all them Weapons from World War One to Present day: In America these U.S. Leaders be it your FREE MASON Mayor to your FREE MASON “Judges” to all them U.N. Troops known as FREE MASON C.O.P.S. have been draining their Toxic Baby Birth Defect Chemicals into the Rivers since World WAR One, World War Two, The Korean War, The Vietnam war that the U.S. Military [Lost to China] even though the U.S. Government Armed China after WW2… You thought your Mom or Dad was a Hero of WAR cause “they know” only how to MURDER We The People, and lie on the TV Screens about how they Dropped Bombs on UNARMED {Innocent People} cause your TV Screens said: These People did 911 when it was the (U.S. Military) That did the September 11th, 2001 attacks; as well as, blew up all U.S Ships in Pearl Harbor to BLAME The People of Japan for something that they did not do…

The Reality in this {Celestial Sphere} home world of Planet Earth is that the U.S. Military is the U.N. Military, and even though they [don’t wear] the blue helmet, the U.S. FLAG Government funds all Wars in all U.N. Countries with U.S. Citizens Taxes, and yet, this U.S. Government used to put Waste Metals and Chemicals “into” the Rivers and lakes of the USA, and when we U.S. Citizens stood up and complained, they just put all CORPORATE WASTE PRODUCT into them {Chemical Trails} you see spewing out the Air Planes high up in the Sky, as year after year since 1970, the U.S. Air Force – Navy – Army has now sprayed “so much” Deadly Chemicals from MADE IN CHINA Manufacturing that they HAVE destroyed the Ozone……., and now the U.N. Shuts Down the Whole Wide World under their Lie of (covid19) trying to STOP this Global Warming [they caused] by Spraying the Skies with Filth, and Birth Defect [Chemicals] in everyone's Air for the Last 50 fucking years...

Do you know why you can not make your own Cars, and Radios, and Cell Phones to anything in these 50 States FOR America???? Cause The {U.S. Military} Lost the Vietnam War to China, and Nixon had too Surrender all Manufacturing in the USA too MADE IN CHINA….., and just go to any Countries in this World on this side of FLAT EARTH in our Celestial Sphere and “Read” where that piece of Shit came from…..., and 95% of all things from these 5G Death Towers to the [Birth Defect] QANON Chemicals being sprayed in our Skies: by UNMARKED U.S. Military Jumbo Jets is the WASTE PRODUCT of Made in China, and when you live in an “Enclosed” Cosmology known as our Celestial Sphere` the Toxic Chemicals build up into a Witches and Warlocks BREW and thick SOUP of over 50 years of SPRAYING “THE SKIES” too Dispose of that Waste…..., and The U.S. Military did it all on its own by EVERY U.S. MILITARY BASE in every nation of the world…

Johnny Exodice

Now you might not be 50 years old, but you do “know” when your mom or dad is lying to your face saying: Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny are real when they are not!!! Look at all these PLASTIC Christmas Trees in all Nations, and now look at that little Plane up in the Sky pouring out the WASTE PRODUCT of all this MADE IN CHINA…., so the [U.S. Military] Q’s can do WAR IS MURDER on we the U.S. Citizens as the U.S. Military Sprays our Skies {day after day} cause the TEMPERATURE is going to rise in this Bubble we all live in, and THEY LIVE had to SHUT DOWN THE WORLD to slow down the Weather madness, but there is no (covid19) as This is “an excuse” to try and SAVE THE Whole Wide World, but once BUSINESS Gets back too Normal, the Pollution “will” Return, and We The People will all be [sicker] and dying, and DEAD DEAD DEAD by THEIR Pollution, not the CORONA Common Cold…

The Society of nonmason~

The U.N. FLAGS are all U.N. Troops, and the “U.S. Military” is the WORLD POLICE of the U.N. System, and Military EMPIRE, and the U.N. FREE MASON Lodge [Members Only] tells the U.S. Military too SPRAY THE SKIES with our Trash, and then lie to your Fellow “U.S. Citizens” that it is not Killing all the Plants, and Animals, and causing {BIRTH DEFECTS} in OUR Natural Born Human Children…

The Sentinel…

Go ask your Mom and Dad: what happened to all them “Deadly” Chemicals they used to Dump into the Rivers in the 1970’s??? Your Parents won’t have an Answer cause “They” Still believe in Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny!!!! This World is dying…., and YOUR PARENTS did [nothing] too stop it in the 1960’s to 1970’s cause [they wanted] Q+ too become CAPITALIST for this U.S. Military in the 1980’s, and now “your” children {will be dammed} in the years of 2021 to 2030 by All these Hollywood FAKE JEWS from the Book of REVELATION whom are THE PEOPLE from the Other Side of “FLAT EARTH” that are doing and DUMPING THEIR {WASTE PRODUCT} IN OUR SKIES…..

The Commander~


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Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis 4 années depuis


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