Godfather Of Vaccines- Dr. Stanley Plotkin Admits Under Oath- Aborted Fetuses Are Used In Vaccines
Aborted fetal tissues are used in vaccines. Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans and on mental handicapped children. Experimental tests on babies from mothers in prisons. Experimental tests on 1 million people in then colonial Belgian Congo. There is so much information in this shocking video. A must watch.
Experts gather in Rome to fight ‘barbaric’ use of aborted babies in vaccines
📖 [Read] Psalms 53:1 - KJV Bible
“(To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.”

Telementary “Assignment” Systems
People want too believe they are Trapped in A Machine, Others want to think they will one day be Redeemed down here in Purgatory too be released to A “Heaven” of their own Choosing, and yet, there is always the Option we are Trapped in the DREAM of a Memory, and our Dead Bodies Lay in the INNER EARTH as there is no life on the Other Side of FLAT EARTH in our Celestial Sphere: and that is the real reason the PLAY BOOK for this “Broken” Video Game Virtual Reality Holographix WAKING Walking Dream we all keep {waking up together} can not be fixed… The Arrogance of Such a proposal is beyond me, but since I am The Oracle for the End of an Age Chosen: need I remind you by [The Source] of All Creation and All Destruction, shalt I tell you’m what I see.?.?.? The MASONS are actually (The Monkeys) of this MATRIX, and that WE ARE not Repeating our Lives in an ORABORUS De-Ja-Vu Curse, we are “contractually” going into the Future, and then they BLOW UP the World, and return all people to a State of Incubator Babies continuing the Minuet of this Dance of Madness for the Cursed, The Damned, and The Forsaken…, but ALWAYS heading into The Futurist Fidelity of Crazy and Insane MASONS!!!
Why do the MASONS Lie about everything.?.?.? Cause they are the true Machine People in this Esoteric Night Mare where every one DREAMS when they Sleep, and we have dreamed untold adventures, Tragedies, and Mishaps, and at this [moment] in the ETERNAL MOMENT, the MASONS are faking (COVID19) cause People are being deleted “once again” or as Christ Jesus 1.0 put it in the NEW TESTAMENT: One would be Standing There, and one would be Taken Away, but since the Book of Books is all jumbled up, and many things connect to other Gods and {Other Religions} from Hades and Zeus to Babylon, and the Chaldean's in the Old Testament, how long have WE THE PEOPLE been adrift in this “Broken” Celestial Sphere???, and does the WAR of the TIME LORDS in Dr. Who go on, and that is why Stars or Angels if your like’ KEEP Falling from Heaven those Comets, and Meteors, and Fire Balls crashing through the day and night Sky.?.?.? Hold on to your seats, and the Underwear of your Pants, but you “need” too see and hear!!!
There is a “Script” for THE SHOW MUST GO ON, and All The World is a Stage, and the MASONS keep the Illusion that our World Leaders [are still alive] when they are nothing more then T.V. Shows from MADE IN CHINA to Putin in Russia the Trump “QANON” Walk through of those EMPTY MUD FLOOD Buildings at the U.S. Capital of Washington D.C. that DISTRICT whom prints all the Ink on Paper Federal Reserve “Notes” called MONEY… However, you’m would be inclined after interpretation of this Writ to go meet with your {Nations Leader} FACE TO FACE if you can` for I tell you as The Oracle, you have nothing but MASON Lodges “Pretending” your Nations Leader is Alive, and not just some “Script” these MASONS must adapt every Day in every Nation on these T.V. Screens, as they Practice their PizzaGATE Sex Magic on EVERY ONES Favorite (Pornography) Sights keeping you under the Illusion and [Delusion] of FAKE SPACE and Faked Moon Landings in the 1960’s and Early 1970’s where if you REVIEW the Movies and “TV Series” in the 1970’s to 1980’s that was your Space Walk, not a Real Flesh, and Blood, and Bones person or entity from our {FLAT EARTH} here on this Northern Hemisphere…
Now as The Commander, and The Sentinel, and the King of Angels and Demons, and all other Gods and Goddesses……., I have laid out a Road Map to move “beyond” Death, and Damnation, and WAR IS MURDER where there will be work for all people, there will be a ONE World [Language] called this English we all can read, and every one can keep their “Native” Spoken Word in OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, and no matter the EVIL done by these MASONS, we put a STOP to all The Racka, and just put a “Bracelet” on their Right Hand as The Mark of the LOST or Beast from The Book Revelation, and we let them [all die out] over time as we rebuild the many wonders of the Buildings in the PRE MUD FLOOD World of Sky Zeppelins, Trains that Traverse the Expanse on “Booth Sides” of our FLAT EARTH where we can all visit the Southern Hemisphere of our Celestial Sphere Home World known as this Planet Earth, and Cruise Ships can travel the Amazon River too the Chattahoochee Delta in THE Great STATE of GEORGIA USA…
Johnny Exodice
I do not wish too WAR with “Ghost” anymore my FREE MASON Lodge Members, but once I know something, the majority of [NON-MASONS] +=+ will look into it: County by County – Town by Town – Nation by Nation, and once all people “know” there is no one at their CAPITALS, just your MASON making WE THE PEOPLE do WAR IS MURDER with your T.V. Shows, and you refuse to Step Down as {The Magicians} and Wizards, and Witches, and Warlocks, WE THE PEOPLE know one thing: no matter the Sorcery of the Sorcerer or Sorceress…….., you PEOPLE cannot STOP a Lead Bullet You’m can NOT see from hitting you in the Back of Your Head……..., and though you might CONTINUALLY attacks us in (our dreams) using the Dark Arts……., WE THE PEOPLE are tired of this Game called Purgatory…..., and we can take you all out…., and NEVER allow you…., or your children to CONTROL “this” DREAM ever again be we sleeping in rest…, and slumber.., or hunting you down [in secret] WIDE AWAKE till all You Traitors of Sedition doing Malfeasance are DEAD DEAD DEAD., and you can hide in them D.U.M.B.S, but we whom Walk this Earth on both sides of {INNER EARTH} know exactly where you are in your TV Shows of Trick or Treat…
The Society of nonmason~
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