Get ready for Christ’s return: the calm before the storm
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Credits to pastor Craig from the Seventh-Day Christians church. His websites are and
In his video sermon, pastor Craig looks at the calm before the storm. There’s a certain calm that exists right now but with the current wars in Gaza and Ukraine, sorrow will multiply and will become a storm for God’s people.
Horrible events will increase, signs of the end-times are happening as prophesied by Christ and His prophets, and this fake gospel of climate change of the pope, manufactured by the United States’ HAARP, direct energy weapons and lasers will lead to the enforcement of public, weekly SUNday rest and worship, which goes against God’s 7th day Sabbath.
The enforcement of public, weekly SUNday rest and worship will be seen by many as a last ditch attempt to draw closer to God but it will only offend an already offended but just and loving God since SUNday is not commanded by Him anywhere in the Bible. SUNday worship is nothing more than a commandment and tradition of man, of the Babylonian Roman Catholic Church.
This is all about faith AND OBEDIENCE to God. Worship has to do with faith AND OBEDIENCE to the Almighty God but we must worship Him in spirit and in truth and His holy divine law of love – His holy ten commandments – including His 7th day Sabbath commandment is part of the true worship of God Who calls the Sabbath “My holy day” and the “holy of the Lord”.
You are welcome to attend online Sabbath worship services on Sabbath evening at sundown (Friday evening), on Sabbath morning (Saturday morning) in the Philippines with the Seventh-Day Christians Church on Facebook:
For more information and videos on Christian beliefs and Bible prophecy, please visit and
Pastor Craig can be reached at

thank you Brother for your warning. God bless.