Gene Decode! Pet Goat 2 Decode. Christian Perspective. B2T Show Aug 5, 2021.mp4
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Johnny Exodice
19m ·
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If we were not reliving the memory of what destroyed our real homeworld celestial sphere here in purgatory, then there would not be a world of lies and Liars with all their malfeasance TV shows of Lies agreed upon. And while many believe we are actually in hell, as the Freemasons do, then they seek to do evil to move up the pyramid scheme. However, we know the bones of our dead cannot break down as long as they are in hermetically sealed coffins, so the spirits of the Dead must fill our minds as the lunatic in the graveyard in the New Testament gospel where Christ Jesus 1.0 ask the man what is your name, and he had so many spirits of our dead in his mind at that graveyard with those coffins below his feet he said we are legion that means they span the entire Northern Hemisphere on this side of Flat Earth. So remember the symbiots in your mind as I call them, are the spirits of our dead trapped in coffins below our feet be they good or evil, but they can guide us if we'll learn to communicate and name them. In this knowledge when you're dealing with someone who is entirely unreasonable, take pause, and remember you may not be talking to the person you see but this unseen spirits in his or her mind... #NURATU ? #JANUS ?